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Raphael The Goat

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.....Once upon a time, in a small grassy field, there was a small goat, named Raphael.
He was the tiniest goat in the flock and therefor was not picked to do all the things the
other goats did. He did not play like the other goats, nor could he run like them with his
little legs. His only trait was his temper which let loose whenever he was teased.
His only wish was to be tall and strong like his brothers and sisters.

.....One day, after a fainting game that he lost at, Rahpael realized that he could not take
the sadness of being teased any longer. The sadness turned to anger and the anger
turned to regret and Raphael realized that in order to become like the other goats in his
flock, he must search for a solution. But hardwork could not make Raphael's legs longer
or his horns stronger, nor could it help him when trying to run faster. Raphael knew he
must find SOMEONE to assist him.

.....Late one moonlight night he left the flock in the field in search for a blind witch with
whom he had heard could make his more important wishes come true. He traveled long
and far and found her sitting in the middle of a large rotted tree stump in a clearing in the
forest gazing up at the sky. She looked worn out and tired, as if she had never slept, and
her eyes were cloudy and wet like looking into fog.

Raphael approached the witch. curious as to what she could be looking at without sight.

....."There's a not to see that can't be seen" she said out in the dark, answering his
thoughts. The witch turned her head slightly so that her ear was in the direction in which
Raphael moved. "Why, I have never met a goat that walks so close to the ground" she
stated with a whiny chuckle that echoed around them.

.....The tiny goat ground his teeth and glared at the witch, he could not keep his breath
in any longer, "I WISH TO BE GREAT AND STRONG"! Raphael cried out to her.
"I don't want to be close to the ground. I want to be taller than my brothers and sisters
and get the respect I deserve!"

The witch though startled by the little goats load voice said calmly "what is wrong to
being small? You see the world from places others can not."

Raphael approached slowely, then paused, shuffling his hooves into the dirt and moss
around him. "Being so small, you see less of the world. You cant fight dangers, or go
anywhere high up, you can't so much of anything at all.

"What is it that you are asking for, my tiny creature?" the witch whispered.

"A miracle."

The corners of the witches mouth twitched into a smile and she cackled loud and hearty.
"And what would you give little goat, in exchange with such a request?"

"ANYTHING" Raphael pleaded

The witches smile widened and her toothless grin made her cheeks wrinkle with mirth.
"The cost of your request is great you know, I wont ask for jewels or money, you
understand this don't you?"

Without hesitation Raphael responded "I am sure, please, grant my request!"

.....The witch approached him and placed her cold hands over his tiny eyes. "For your
request. I will take one of your eyes. So that I can see once again. In return you will be
able to SEE the differnce in your physical traits. You will be able to SEE your strength,
and WATCH it grow. Is this what you want little goat?"

....."That is my wish" Raphael said as he braced himself for the pain that followed.
As the pain seared into his right eye he tried to picture himself as he could be. He
imagined himself being stronger, braver, and bolder. He imagined himself as dependable
and not useless. Raphael yelled from both pain and power as the flow of gushing blood
formed around him, changing him. The flow of blood changed his hair from brown to red.
He felt his body stretch, his limbs aching from the extension. He felt every inch of him
evolving into something he didn't know. His face felt different, his chest, arms, and legs.
When the pain subsided Rahpael tried to feel himself and noticed that his own hooves felt
strange to the touch. He opened his left eye and peared down at himself. The grass was
small, the trees were shorter, the old witch looked farther away, and the moon seemed
that much closer.

"What did-" Raphael stated in disbelief.

.....He looked down and saw that the hooves that were touching him were not his,
but hands. And the chest he touched was not his but skin. He frantically felt for his
nonexistent horns and furr....but they too were gone.The realization had struck
him harder than the pain had.

Raphael was now a man....