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The diary of me


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♥You know what? I love buying art♥But what I love even more is free art♥


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The diary of me

Avi art ^^

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Vampire__Kisses's avatar

Last Login: 01/10/2017 8:46 am

Registered: 06/28/2005

Gender: Female

Location: Illinois

Birthday: 06/14/1990

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heart Hi Im Tish heart


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NinaSky901 Report | 08/16/2011 9:42 am
love your pagee!!!
Sapphire_Mystic Report | 02/27/2011 2:06 pm
lol hey I wasn't even sure if you would be coming back . It's good to hear from you. xp
Sapphire_Mystic Report | 06/13/2010 12:21 pm
Wow, I was the last one to leave you a comment and it seems I am still the only one to send a comment. You don't get on here anymore, but this is the only way I can tell you happy birthday so I will use this. Happy birthday Tish!!!! =^___^=
Sapphire_Mystic Report | 09/21/2009 9:51 pm
I thought about becoming a teacher because I am already use to their work schedule and I don’t mind working with younger kids. I knew that you can’t hug them already to, the school board doesn’t want any trouble with the parents about sexual harassment so that is why that is in place. I’m fine with that rule though since I’m not a very touchy feely person myself.
We open at 10 so I have to be there at about 8 that way we can have everything ready. My managers get there around 7 so I’m glad I’m not them.
We have a guy just like that at KFC, but he is younger than I am. I think he is about 16 or something, I’m not really sure. I don’t like him so I didn’t try to get to know anymore than his name. Every time I turn around he is doing something that he isn’t supposed to be doing or he is doing nothing at all. Most of the time he is in the back talking to out cooks. I’m actually surprised that they haven’t fired him yet, if it was me in charge I’d have fired him long ago.
Lol yeah the big 21. I will officially be legal to do whatever I want. If my friend Alex were still here and 21 I would take him with me. It would be pretty much like the time he and I went out to the club together and we had some guy stripping in our lap and passing out because he was so drunk. Just a lot more than the one guy doing it with no passing out hopefully.
Your ex-friend probably had other people buy her the drinks. I’ve seen that happen a lot when I go out clubbing. Not that I do that now that Alex has went to college.
I wouldn’t take my sister with me if I did go to a strip club though, that would just be to weird for me. I don’t really have anyone else to go with me though so I probably wont go.
Your avi makes me think of something Lady Gaga would wear. I just had to say that because I have been thinking about it since the first comment you left me and I saw how you were dressed.
Sapphire_Mystic Report | 09/21/2009 9:18 pm
I know how it is trying to work and go to school you feel like your life is nothing but work and school and that there is nothing else to it.
Wow, a pastry chef that is completely different than being a teacher. How did your aunt scare you out of wanting to be a teacher?
KFC isn’t so bad anymore it just depends on who I am working with and how many hours I have to work during the week. I try to avoid most of the people I work with that annoy me, I’ve even went so far as asking my manager to switch sides with me.
I can imagine that there would be a language barrier when working in a Japanese restaurant. I have a hard enough time going to one and trying to order food from there let alone working there.
I have to get up so early because we have to cook everything before we open up that way we have it all ready. It takes 40 minutes just to cook mac and cheese and then you have to think about how much of it you need to cook. The chicken takes just as long to get ready and we have three different kinds. So yeah, there is a lot of cooking that has to be done first thing in the morning.
Luckily though I get off at 4 so it won’t be as bad as having to work until closing.
Minus the shitty job I’ve been good. I always enjoy the fall better than anytime of the year so that probably has a lot to do with how good my mood has been lately. My birthday is coming up in a couple of months and I will be 21. Everyone is suggesting that I go see some strippers for my birthday which I think is really funny considering I freak out seeing people with just their shirt off. My mom even said I could take my sister with me since all of my friends left to go off to college and to get married in some cases. I seriously can’t see me taking her anywhere that has me and half naked men anywhere. She would get drunk and embarrass the hell out of me, she acts really stupid when she has been drinking.
Sapphire_Mystic Report | 09/21/2009 8:35 pm
-glomps- I'VE MISSED YOU!!!!!!! I tried talking to you on your birthday because I was going to have some avi art done for you, but you had stopped getting on. I'm doing good still working at KFC -rolls eyes- and I still dislike the job, but it is getting easier. I got off from work about an hour ago and I am still sitting here in my uniform smelling like greasy chicken. I feel to lazy to go wash yet even though I have to get up agian in a couple of hours and go right back to work.
How have you been?
miya yen Report | 08/16/2009 5:25 pm
miya yen
hey what's up?
Demy Report | 07/20/2009 11:35 am
Laura Vandemar Report | 06/15/2009 7:27 am
Laura Vandemar
Happy birthday!
Sapphire_Mystic Report | 06/14/2009 10:29 pm
I know I'm late telling you this I'm sorry, but anyway happy birthday. sweatdrop I planned on getting you something for your birthday, but first I wanted to check with you. Is your current avi one you would want a headshot of? I can't really make out much of the face that's why I was asking.
Grimm Reaver