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Alice_Madn3ss on 05/01/2021

Ume Dragonoki

Ume Dragonoki's avatar

Last Login: 01/04/2014 7:17 pm

Registered: 08/16/2009

Gender: Female

Location: Bury, UK

Birthday: 12/31

Occupation: Manga and dragon artist/ dragon tarot card reader

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About me ^_^

My role play name is Ume but my real name is Liz or Liz-chan, I'm 17 years old and I live in the UK. I love to do rp, I also love to watch anime and read manga. I cosplay alot lolz so check out my cosplay groups vids...we are Burycosplayers.

I love to draw fantasy creatures, manga characters and Amaterasu from Okami, you can see my drawings on Deviantart, my name is dragonmangagirl. Here is the link to my DA account I will soon be uploading my manga onto DA so please tell me what you think of it.

I also do Judo, I'm a Green belt and only been doing Judo for 2 years now. I already got award for female student of the year in 2008 and Garry Swallow (my masters father) memorial trophy winner 2009. This award is only giving to the best student in the club, when I got this award I cried because I was so happy.

My favourite PS2 games are Spyro (all of them), Kingdom hearts, Kingdom hearts 2, Dragon rage and Naruto. My favourite Wii games are Monster hunter 3, guitar hero 5, Okami and spectrobes. As you may already guess I'm a big fan of Naruto thanks to my friends lol but I also like other anime and manga.

Well there is alot of interesting things about me...
-I'm a anime and manga freak
-I'm bi but so what been like this since year 9 (have a boyfriend at the moment so sorry but I'm taking)
-I like to sing in Japanese and speak Japanese...only know a little be of Japanese so far but my friends say I sing better in Japanese than english
-no one but my close friends can call me LIz-chan or Ume-sama
-I'm part Welsh and Gypsy
-I'm a crystal healer and tarot card reader. I'm known as the dragon messenger
-I love dragons, I have so many in my bedroom XD
-I cosplay alot...too much lolz

If you want to know about your future, spiritual path or present life, just PM me for a oracle card reading. Also if you would like advice on crystals or crystal healing please PM your question and I will tell you what you want to know about a crystal and crystal healing.

Please do not fear me for I am a pagan, I would like people to respect me for who I am. So if you don't fear me blessed be to you all who look at my profile, let mother earth guide you, let the great lord and lady guide you and teach you their wisdom.

My life dreams are:
To be a manga/ fantasy artist
Have lots of fans
To be a black belt in Judo
Travel the world
To live in America, Spain or Japan
To meet other Pagans

Why won't you love me, Sakura....a cosplay me and my friends did, enjoy the crazy and randomness


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sakura1sasuke1 Report | 01/25/2011 12:09 pm
Yeah, that's true.
sakura1sasuke1 Report | 01/25/2011 11:54 am
Yeah, I kind of figured as much.
sakura1sasuke1 Report | 01/25/2011 11:48 am
Oh, thank-you very much. heart
That's a really sweet thing for you to do.
sakura1sasuke1 Report | 01/24/2011 5:01 pm
Well I think it's great too, that you're pursueing your dream and will soon be living it! That's so amazing.
sakura1sasuke1 Report | 01/24/2011 3:04 pm
Oh, wow! I'm praising for you, Ume. I really am ^^
sakura1sasuke1 Report | 01/24/2011 11:32 am
Oh no, don't worry about it! I completely understand. I mean, I've been unable to get back to roleplays and Pms and stuff recently because I've been pretty busy as well.
sakura1sasuke1 Report | 12/31/2010 11:16 am
Hey, happy birthday, Ume!!! heart
sakura1sasuke1 Report | 11/11/2010 1:58 pm
sakura1sasuke1 Report | 08/15/2010 12:08 pm
sakura1sasuke1 Report | 08/15/2010 11:22 am
No problem, no problem! Always glad to help ^_^


Check out my fantasy and manga artwork.

Also check out my artist page on Facebook!/pages/Elizabeth-George-Fantasy-and-Manga-artist/109095155828768

Check out my Okami rp all Okami fans welcome
Amaterasu returns to modern Nippon



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Kyo Koja
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Me cosplaying as Ume dragonoki


Which side is the true me- poem

I'm good and I'm evil which
side do u see, which side
is the true me?. Don't look
with your eyes, look with
your heart to see the
creature that I become.

For as u look what do u see
a creature that has a
heart and soul that is cold?
or a creature that protects all
with love and care? for I don't
know which side is the true me.

My heart cries for an answer
that has no reply, my heart
deepens with fear and yet
to see my fellow ninja, my
friends lets my heart forget
about the fear and open
up to love and happines.

For in my friends eyes
it does not matter
What creature I have become
Because in their hearts
they know the true me
Which shines through the darkness?
That lies under this soul
Yet until this day
I still sit under the sakura tree
Looking above and wondering
which side is the true me

By Ume Dragonoki

Autumn light and darkness

Summer is gone, Autumn arising
Leaves changing, dieing, falling on mother earth’s surface
The harvest is collected, alas this years crops have decreased
The sun god must not be pleased with us

Animals hide, sleeping through the harsh winter
Which will soon be a upon us, the land will be cover in a thick white blanket
Darkness soon take over light, the sun god will hide behind clouds of grey
Days will be shorter and nights will be longer

The darkness maybe feared but all is well
The moon goddess will protects us while the sun god rests
She will guide us, during this time of darkness, cold and gloom

By Ume Dragonoki

Dawn of Halloweve

The moon is full, she watches us
During this time of celebration and tradition
Where witches perform rituals to bring good luck
Or call a upon the dead, to a rise from their slumber
For evil arises during the dawn of Halloweve

Carver pumpkins, salt you windows
Hide good luck charms and wear the pentagram
Perform spells of protection and cleanse your crystals
For evil arises during the dawn of Halloweve

Darkness approaches, surrounding villager's houses
Many buried rats and cats in a box
To protect their houses from witches, who worship Satan
For evil arises during the dawn of Halloweve

By Ume dragonoki

The Earth Is Our Mother-pagan chant

The Earth is our mother, we must take care of her
The Earth is our mother, we must take care of her.

Hey yana, ho yana, hey yan yan,
Hey yana, ho yana, hey yan yan.
Her sacred ground we walk upon, with every step we take
Her sacred ground we walk upon, with every step we take.

Hey yana, ho yana, hey yan yan,
Hey yana, ho yana, hey yan yan.

The Sky is our father, we must take care of him
The Sky is our father, we must take care of him

Hey yana, ho yana, hey yan yan,
Hey yana, ho yana, hey yan yan.

The Rivers are our sisters, we must take care of them
The Rivers are our sisters, we must take care of them.

Hey yana, ho yana, hey yan yan,
Hey yana, ho yana, hey yan yan.

The Trees are our brothers, we must take care of them
The Trees are our brothers, we must take care of them.

Hey yana, ho yana, hey yan yan,
Hey yana, ho yana, hey yan yan.