
'What a pity that Bilbo did not stab that vile creature, when he had a chance!'

'Pity? It was Pity that stayed his hand. Pity and Mercy: not to strike without need.'

My dragons. =D

My Spartan


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The Overlord's Journal

Alright, this is my journal. Diary just sounds weird, so journal it is. I'll write about whatever I want and such, and I really don't care if you read it or not. If you want to take a looksee, go ahead.

World of Warcraft Cataclysm Blizzcon 2009 Debut Trailer

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Ty Gwynnia's avatar

Last Login: 10/22/2017 7:24 am

Location: My citadel, er, castle

Birthday: 02/03

Occupation: Overlord

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Hello! As my username says, I am Ty. I love gaming, (reading) immersing myself in other worlds, and (writing and roleplaying) creating even more worlds and stories at a whim. I like to try to cheer up people when they're feeling down, and try to keep an open mind on things.Optimism is my outlook on life, but pessimism can lurk in at times. I know that not all of the world is happiness and rainbows despite my wishes that humans should get along. As such, the darker side of things holds as much fascination in my eyes as the lighter side. I say it's a healthy combination!

I also believe that this world is much more than it seems. I have a little proof of that, but nothing solid. In fact, I have to believe that there's more to Earth than humans and their motives, otherwise there's no "magic " to the world anymore! =D

All in all, I think I'm a pretty awesome person to know (according to some people)!

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Javier Cross Report | 04/01/2015 9:41 pm
Javier Cross
One would think He'd leave that kind of thing to The Crown Prince of Heaven/The Lord Junior/The Aeon Christ/Jesus Christ himself or
The ArchAngels or EVEN (The Original!-) Merlin himself rather than personally step in.
Though then again, The Lord Junior interfering directly beyond Spiritual Forms would just result in all Life in either just this planet or
the Universe itself
going Extinct, so that's counter-productive.


I highly agree on this, speaking of Gods and The Divine, Discworld needs Bigger Receptions than what it's currently got.
Javier Cross Report | 04/01/2015 9:08 am
Javier Cross
May versus threads in general return and we never wind up with anything like the Legendary Naruto vs God matter
ever again.


Discworld fans have become a Dying breed in a matter like this.
Javier Cross Report | 03/31/2015 10:09 pm
Javier Cross
In Gaia Online, they don't have a Cosmere sub-forum but frankly
for all I care, The Dot Hack universe or the Cosmere warrant their own sub-forums far more than Naruto does at the moment.


I hope to see if you can't find Discworld fans who could assist by now.
Javier Cross Report | 03/30/2015 8:33 pm
Javier Cross
The book Forums were bigger once.
So as for the PM?
Javier Cross Report | 03/30/2015 8:26 pm
Javier Cross
You got the link for the Funeral Thread?


Also you can start making amends by posting at the Funeral thread, then seeing whom among you are Discworld Fans available for role-plays.
We can also talk by PM for further in-depth ideas.
Javier Cross Report | 03/30/2015 8:18 pm
Javier Cross
We lost a Worthy Adversary to say the least. crying

We can talk more on PM on how to stay in contact.
Javier Cross Report | 03/30/2015 8:02 pm
Javier Cross
So will you assist in paying respects to Sir Terry Pratchett by chance?
Also do you dig Skype or Tumblr?
Javier Cross Report | 03/16/2015 10:36 pm
Javier Cross
You've been missed on Gaia and we thought you were dead. crying
Landusk Report | 05/23/2014 3:47 am
-bonks- Oie oie elfy did ya miss me! twisted
caramel frappuccino Report | 05/21/2014 6:24 pm
caramel frappuccino
[[hey hey! To be fair...I didn't say anything. You implied. have dark thoughts!~]]
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