
Tsuru-Tsuru's avatar

Birthday: 12/06


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Yo, I'm Tsuruya, in twelfth grade, and eighteen years old! I'm a really
megas, hyper-active, loud, and fun person. PFFTHAHAHAHA!~
Making boring introductions like these isn't any fun, it just isn't megas,
nyo~ro! I tend to get really off topic when speaking of something!
ALSO, I laugh a lot! Uh... I have a sharp tooth; A fang! Sometimes,
because of it, I leave out syllables in my words, and pronounce things
wrong... But it isn't that bad, because, well, I'M JUST EPIC LIKE
THAT! HAHAHA!~ I have most of the SOS Brigade members already;
SORTA Kyon and Itsuki. We really just need a Mikuru-Chan~ Heheh!~
It'd be so megas to have the whole group! I believe I live solely for
the fact to make my friends glad. If you're feeling unhappy... Well, just
talk to me! I can probably make ya feel better~ Well, enough of this un-megas