
I'm the Ninja Penguin <(o^o)> Thats an upside down penguin! He's being a ninja by hanging upside down from a tree. And I'm too ninja for you. But I do like to make freinds, and meet new people. I also like to have a good time no matter what I'm doing. I like to make things interesting. Most things can be interesting if I'm there. My best freind is Travis. He's my homo so anybody got a problem with it ILL KICK YOUR a**. So thats pretty much it about me. Thats the kind of person I am.
I have the dream of traveling and going all over the world. I want to experience EVERYTHING that this world has to offer, because after all you only live once. I also want to teach one day. I think that teaching should be interesting to keep the interest of the students. If the stuff is boring then no one will learn. So thats what I want to do; make EVERYTHING I do as fun as possible.
So thats about me. YAY! Ninja Penguin, out!