The Judas Horse

The Judas Horse's avatar

Last Login: 07/09/2010 2:27 am

Registered: 05/28/2006

Gender: Female


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Hello, I'm The Judas Horse, or Judas for short.

I'm a 23 year old girl living in St. Louis, just graduating with a graphics design degree. I'm hoping to find a job in my career field soon, but until then I freelance to support myself.

I am room mates with two comic freaks. One is lovable and the other is a slob. There is no room to sit in our living room because all the boxes of comics piled up. This sounds like a sitcom. D:

I am a WoW player and addicted ; 3 ;
Catch me as Phaedria or Jackkal on the Venture Co US realm.

Other than that I write, draw, and generally try not to drive myself crazy!

Visually, this is how I sum myself up:

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URL-Length Report | 12/21/2008 5:45 am
Hellu!! I'm Rosie from the guild name Allonsy and I thought that you would want to join us here in the guild!! Well here is a little info abt the guild, the guild was made mostly to be a place where people can RP (roleplay), well, the guild is basically growing and some of our crew (like me) knows nothing about RPing but we know how to get the guild growing so don't worry, the guild now has one RP section for all the RPing stuffs which will be moved into different subforums for the different RP types which will be come soon when we have enough gold to purchase more!! Other then RPing, the guild also has amazing game sections and contests that u can bring big prizes home!! We have a lot of events also so no worries. I hope you'll join the guild and enjoy your time here!! We'd love to be hearing from you soon

~Rosie ^-^
Thornyos Report | 12/20/2008 12:28 am
How do we post our own images to the Graphic Content Giuld? I'd like to post some of my works for yas. BTW, I've been a graphic designer for some time now, only work where i live is hard to come by, I suggest Print shops, much better then web graphics.
Sweet Sonin Report | 12/19/2008 6:57 pm
Sweet Sonin
glad to help
Sweet Sonin Report | 12/19/2008 6:39 pm
Sweet Sonin


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