Hey biggrin
How have you been surprised i havent talked to you in forever!
Nor have we roleplayed together its should be a sin Dx
but when we are both on we should Rp together :3emotion_awesome
hey there. (: how are you? I was just wondering if you were still interested in the double-up band roleplay that we had going on. I kind of miss rping with you and would really love to continue where we left off.
Demon Baby is fine. It makes me giggle a little bit as well ^.^
I think I shall have my character as bass/vocals (like, some chick screams in some of the songs (presuming they're of the more "hardxcore" genre of music)) because the bass is epic. and it won't be like the typical "I'm a girl so I'm going to play keyboard" kind of thing like I've seen quite often. and also, the guitar and bass especially work together a lot because they have to make sure they're in tune with each other (like, you can't play an E chord while the other person plays a D chord.) :3
And that sounds good; I'll finish my post up and get it posted in the thread. :3 ^.^
Many apologies for my late response! Halloween was hectic and UC applications just opened up. Busy busy senior year! D:
No worries, though, I made the thread and I've started on my posts, but I have not had a chance to finish them quite yet. Here is the thread for you to keep tabs on. (:
Alrighty. It's currently around midnight here and I've been told not to tweak out for too long. I'll hopefully get it up tomorrow. Or rather, earlier today.
And it's no problem; I'd love to post first. ^.^
And that sounds good. I'll think of my first post as I lay in bed tonight. ^.^
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How have you been surprised i havent talked to you in forever!
Nor have we roleplayed together its should be a sin Dx
but when we are both on we should Rp together :3 emotion_awesome
i was so exicted x3
1. im a noob
2. i look like poo on stick
how rude =(
just kidding
How are you Darlin?
I think I shall have my character as bass/vocals (like, some chick screams in some of the songs (presuming they're of the more "hardxcore" genre of music)) because the bass is epic. and it won't be like the typical "I'm a girl so I'm going to play keyboard" kind of thing like I've seen quite often. and also, the guitar and bass especially work together a lot because they have to make sure they're in tune with each other (like, you can't play an E chord while the other person plays a D chord.) :3
And that sounds good; I'll finish my post up and get it posted in the thread. :3 ^.^
Many apologies for my late response! Halloween was hectic and UC applications just opened up. Busy busy senior year! D:
No worries, though, I made the thread and I've started on my posts, but I have not had a chance to finish them quite yet.
Here is the thread for you to keep tabs on. (:
And it's no problem; I'd love to post first. ^.^
And that sounds good. I'll think of my first post as I lay in bed tonight. ^.^