
Teacup_Of_Darkness's avatar

Vampire Knight Opening

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Don't end up like Bob.


Secrets Of Teacup-ness

Hello, peoples of Gaia. My name is Bree. I have a whole basket-full of obsessions, but here are a few of my strongest obsessions:

Johnny Depp
Twilight Books
Tim Burton movies/ Nightmare Before Christmas
Cute kitties (my adorable cat, Tommy)
Three Days Grace
InuxKag Couple
Vampire Knight

I love Gir, from "Invader Zim"
I love Sesshoumaru, from "Inuyasha"
I love Alice and Jasper Cullen, from my fave books "Twilight"
I love Kaname, from "Vampire Knight"

My favorite movies at the moment are "Sweeney Todd" and "Enchanted."
The latest books that I have read were "City of Bones" and "A Mango Shaped Space" which were very good books. Anyone would enjoy them. <3
And I am trying to read "Jane Eyre" by famous Charolette Bronte, which is suppose to be a really good book, but it's also very confusing. x__x

I really like anime couples and characters. I obsess over certain couples and characters sometimes, as you might have noticed. My fave anime couples are Inuyasha/Kagome and Kyo/Tohru. Some super-special-awesome characters are Itachi, Kakashi, Hinata, Sesshoumaru, Kaname, Zero, Cloud Strife, Tidus, Sephiroth, Hatsuharu, Kyo, Hatori, Chii, Night, and Edward Elric. <333

Some voice actors that I really admire are Tara Strong and Vic Mignogna. They are really supah-cool. <3

I have recently started a couple of guilds: The Official Sesshoumau Guild ( To Love A Fluffy Demon) and The Official Kaname Kuran Guild ( For Vampire Knight Fans) I would be grateful to anyone who joined meh guilds. <3

I also love clicky pens, hoodies, sharpies, fluffy stuff, bubble wrap, British accents, teacups, texting, roller coasters, the number 11, and glitter...

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Supah-Cool Icons

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My Comments ( Random Or Normal...I love them)

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AiLoveGaara Report | 11/07/2009 4:07 pm
victoria1316 Report | 09/05/2009 4:04 pm
i luv time windowz 2 and hav u read pale pheonix/
Madame Joli Rouge Report | 04/18/2009 12:43 pm
Madame Joli Rouge
Hai! Funny icons ^_^
glubbers Report | 02/20/2009 10:03 pm
Thank you for accepting me into the guild (:
plata_puss Report | 01/03/2009 11:20 am
yays you got on!

happy lvery ate christmas and not quite so late neew years ^_^
Sephira Yamishi Report | 08/04/2008 1:40 pm
Sephira Yamishi
Hey, haven't seen you in a while. I just started reading Breaking Dawn, I'm eight chapters in and OMG!!!!

And I was wondering if I could join your Vampire Knight Guild, too?
Aerochick9608 Report | 07/30/2008 7:42 am
Ciao, Senorina!

Greetings from Italy!

We just moved in (well, not quite) to our house!! It's really pretty, but its main color theme is burnt orange and red (my least favorite colors)

What have you been up to lately?
SakuraSasukeNinjaHeart Report | 07/28/2008 10:02 am
brenna look at my gaia
Josh Stucky Report | 07/18/2008 8:16 am
Josh Stucky

yer welcome

and yer page ish really awesome too=D!!!
jesse_awesome_sama Report | 06/20/2008 8:21 pm
Lolness. I just find some on photobucket, save it to my album, and vola! I have kick-a** icons to display. User Image

My Lovely Stalkers

Meh Guilds ^_^

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My Playlist


Hey Everyone!!!! I Love Chocolate!!!

Inuyasha and Kagome are MFEO!!!