She's deicidal
FUUUUUUU,THESE PEOPLE ARE COOOL >>It'd be in your best intrests to atleast attempt to be amiable towards them D< >>
Dead Kitty Monkey Face Pug Lover >Naomi
Yaoi ninja queen > Sammy
Mi hermanita (The whooole enchilida) > Emma Rita.
I'm a big psycho nerd, aged 18
I read, I write, I b***h, I draw; therefore I am
I love pokemon with a raging, diehard nerdish passion and have since I was seven
- besides that wierd nerdy passion, I get easily addicted to crack pairings,(If interested see the stupid lists below) well written fanfiction with brilliant plots, and various delicious pickled vegetables
I also have a loyal pug toady, without whom I'd be nothing D: (wuv juu Nora Schnora <3)
I also love to go for walks- though I can't go for them with Nora or I'll end up having to carry her about five minutes in- cause she's a lazy sack of #$%^
And seeing as someday I'd want to be an artist of somesortoranother -
I love cartoons with a fiery unbrideled passion that glows with the intensity of a thousand and one white hot suns scream
mainly the good old ones! - Powerpuff girls, Samurai jack, Courage the cowardly dog, Dexter's Lab, Ren and Stimpy, Cow and Chicken, Rocko's Modern Life, Invader Zim -Yes this is classic art indeed : D (stupid antisocial nerd with no life lawls)
I'm also a bit shy - so if you want to actually converse with me for some crazy, out of the blue reason - go ahead; use the word awesome in the first sentence too, I'll lul - Becuase more than, likely I will not pounce at the idea of conversing with someone out of nowhere on my own.
OK, here for no discernable reason are some of my writing/reading obsessions/pleasures. (Most of which aren't all that guilty to be quite honest)
Current Crack Pairing(s?) made of win-
Chase Young/ Jack Spicer - It's painfully obvious D<
Vlad Masters/ Danny Fenton - whut?
Bender/Naggy!Leela - lol It's honestly better just to not ask those wierd questions
Snape/Hermione - Like I said, it's better not to axe questions sometimes
Naraku/Sesshoumaru - yessss
Nora/peice of watermelon or other random fruit - It's so adorable >3
Also - holy crap frackin sun-shats I'm one wierd Girl (In other words - "Talking to me is bound to be fun and full of a s**t ton of immature giggling")
And in a giant nutshell that is me heart heart heart heart heart heart