The Taco Rangers

Hello! This is the Taco Rangers official mule! Pink99chick created this mule so it will be easier to contact the members of the guild. To officially join the guide please apply here. Also, if you would like to join the guild, and already posted a completed form, get to know the mods! They are on the friends list, and they're very friendly! biggrin

Now a word from the mods.


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Hey all!
I'm Pink99Chick and i created the guild with several others during the Gaia Olympics event!
I'm the Captain of the guild and i love my tacos.
Please call me Pinky.
As the 'about' section said, click the link for more information about the taco rangers smile
Please read the whole first post smile

If you'd like to get to know me in further detail, please go to my profile and read my about me.
And if you'd like to know me more, please PM me!

Any questions regarding the Taco Rangers, please feel free to PM me anytime, and i'll get back to you as soon as i can!

~Lady Pinksalot Taco Ranger





Hey ya'all China-san here, just letting ya know that you can come to me with any problems your having with the guild and i'll see what I can do. (: Please respect the others in the guild and I will respect you back. thats all for now.
~Ciao! Taco Ranger Margarita Girl~


Heyo! This is Darky, Wolfie, whatever, speaking. I'm one of the crew members of the guild. I don't tolerate harshness towards other members, so please follow the rules so you won't get on my bad side. I'll also be happy to help with whatever problems you're having with the guild. ;D If you would like to know me more, please PM me or comment. I love manga and drawing! I'll be glad to draw you a suckish avi art piece. XD Ask me for my AIM or email. I'm in charge of the Polls, Main forum, and Chatterbox. I'll also hold some contests once in awhile. Check out my profile for more info, I can't keep rambling on for awhile.

~ Sayanara! Black Bean Taco Ranger

Luna Kitsune Kasumi

Love is War Remix -added by wolfie-


Taco Rangers

Taco Rangers's avatar

Birthday: 06/25


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Lola Amore Report | 06/22/2009 11:16 am
Lola Amore
The TR's Birthday is coming up soon! and so is the anniversary of the forming of the group what should we do?
peaches7634 Report | 02/14/2009 11:52 am
Happy Valentines Day Taco Rangers :3
Lola Amore Report | 02/07/2009 8:11 pm
Lola Amore
hey guys, if I eat a taco would that be considerd canibolism? o___0
Darkiee-Wolfy Report | 01/10/2009 5:04 pm
XD Yo. I'm bored! biggrin
pink99chick Report | 01/10/2009 11:21 am
Heehee I stole your comment virginity ><


biggrin Taco Rangers Mule. Look at profile for details to join!