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Mokonae Report | 10/09/2015 5:54 pm

third time's a charm! i'm glad that you guys were able to successfully film it though!
i know how much of a hassle it is trying to get things done and then having non-controllable
factors completely hindering you.

i'm actually really hyped to see it; knowing someone who was involved in a project
and then seeing the final result is just... so exciting. no words can really describe it.
do you know what date it will be airing on mtv? hopefully, if i'm not able to catch it
live, i can view it via youtube or something.
Mokonae Report | 10/09/2015 3:32 pm
i'm really glad to hear that things are going so well! i'm sure the video will turn out
great! i'm pretty open minded with music, so i can't wait to see the final product!
how long did it take to get everything in order and completed?
Mokonae Report | 10/09/2015 12:36 pm
hiya! nice to hear from you again!
everything is going great! i hope that you are also doing well on your end~
Javier Cross Report | 10/08/2015 8:33 pm
Let's just say finding role-players left on Gaia is bloody hard as it is, so I have to check for if they
also go on skype as well. crying

Regardless if you be a fan or an Anti for Sword Art Online, your views are all held equally valuable in the long run for the Project, pretty much.

Javier Cross Report | 10/08/2015 6:55 pm
Then you also have Hulu, Netflix or Amazon by all means?

Also do you role-play often and did you check on Skype before?
Javier Cross Report | 10/08/2015 4:53 pm
So Madoka Magica or Dot Hack ring bells to you?
rockchild15 Report | 03/19/2012 4:06 pm
Sup long time no see my friend smile . How have you been ?
w o n d e r l a n d beat Report | 11/30/2011 9:37 pm
Hey ye, Hi ya. How ya doing?
rockchild15 Report | 07/29/2011 4:33 pm
No bigy dude its all cool. Anyway as soon as you post with Haseo I'll continue with Famine. Its kind of weird If I simply continue posting him wandering aground and eating people xp
rockchild15 Report | 07/27/2011 11:02 pm
Of course dude. You just say when your ready . Famine is lingering somewhere in the forest when you think it is time .


| 👌 Sasuke Gentlemen 👌 |

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The name is Devan. It is pronounced as Devin though. I am currently 16 years old, my birthday is on the thirteenth of June. I am African American however due to the people am my whole entire family I say that I am Black mixed with White, Puerto Rican, Japanese, and Indian. I speak four different languages. Those being (in order of how I learned them) English, Spanish, Japanese, and French. I am in the eleventh grade and I am athletic. I play Basketball at my school as the Shooting Guard and I play Football. Offensive position is Wide Receiver and defensive position is Safety. I am apart of a dance crew called HypnotiK. I can also Sing. My Facebook name for those of you with one is TriggaTrey YourPassion PainandPleasure.

In my opinion I have the best teams in both Basketball and Football. Especially this year.

Favorite Basketball Team - The Los Angeles Lakers.
Favorite Basketball Player - Kobe Bryant. (The Greatest)
Favorite Football Team - The Baltimore Ravens.
Favorite Football Player(s) - Joe Flacco, Ray Rice, Ray Lewis, Ed Reed, and Peyton Manning.

I can't stand either the Boston Celtics or the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Here at Gaia, I am an Adv. Lit Role Player who also writes poems and fanfictions. I love participating in Naruto Role Plays among others, but if the plot is good enough I will also participate in School-based, Dragonball Z, Bleach, Kingdom Hearts, and romantic type Role Plays. I would love to stay and chat but I cannot. I will return here to write more about me later though!
Luna Kaji
XxD A R K H E R 0xX
Snow White Ice Queen
w o n d e r l a n d beat
I The Author I
Senor Ninguno