You guys are actually lucky. Even if you get sunburned, your skin tone would stay the same. If I were to sunbathe, my skin would turn to the color of chocolate in an instant. But yeah, it still even hurts if you don't wear sunscreen. If I may ask, do you still study?
y0! I didn't say ALL contests are fantasy-centric that wasn't implied on my part, but instead i've noticed enough fantasy/rpg type themes to chalk it up as just ONE of the legit trends - rn on the front page we have an Orc contest setting up, Susue's OUTERSPACED, Vee with the a.a.t.s. story, and Birds & Harpies; not to mention galleries that have fantasy/magic categories. You're right, there are realism and street style and i even used street-style as an example in my post bc that's another def popular style and it always will be
admittedly fantasy/character avatars are in my wheelhouse so i've taken special note lol
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ur pose looks stunted tho bby, maybe try a different arm mod?
admittedly fantasy/character avatars are in my wheelhouse so i've taken special note lol
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