hey all you gaians,just wanting to say that this place rocks,anyways,im kinda bummed that you cant see each other but its still okay .i like anything that is fun and edgy.guys sorry i am taken.hey heres some more info,i love animals,love sports,cooking[im really good too],and anything that has to do with guys and there language[i have learned a lot from guys]hey thats all for now...add me!!!
P.S.... boys u have NO idea how true this is
When I run away from you...
- I want you to follow me
When I pout my lips...
- I want you to kiss me
When I kick you...
- I want you to put your arms around me
When I call you crazy...
- I'm flirting with you
When I am silent...
- I'm thinking about you
When I ignore you...
- I want you more than ever
When I pull away...
- I want you to pull back
When you see me at my worst...
- I'm missing you
When I scream at you...
- It's because I love you
When you see me walking alone...
- I want you to come walk with me
If I don't call you...
- It means that I'm waiting for you to call me
When I am scared...
- I want you to hold me close
When I look like something's the matter...
- I want you to love me even more
When I hold your hands...
- I want you to play with my fingers
Girls Cry Because.....
They fell in love with the wrong person
They're Mad
They're Sad
They're Scared
They're Nervous
They're Frustrated
They're Missing someone
They're Alone
They're PMSing
They're tired of abusive relationships
Their Heart Is broken
They're in love
Their souls have been torn
They met someone they cant have
They feel cheated
They hurt so bad inside
They feel unloved
BOYS!!!: If any girl you know is crying, and you see them, don't just stand there like an a** and say you're sorry, hold them, kiss them, and tell them everything will be ok, even if you have no idea what is wrong with them. Girls go through more drama than you can imagine! Girls just want to be held and know that someone cares about them.
Girls: Repost this if you're tired of dealing with the drama, and you're sick of putting up with the bullshit!
Boys: Repost if you're a loving, caring, sensitive guy, who hates to see a girl hurt like this and you hate to see a girl cry.
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Wow Im Just Glad Im Not Her Because That Would Veryyy Annoying Lol
OMG U DID!!!!!
Dont You Have His Number In Case Crissy Forgot It? Lol
I Miss Jessie Gayler!! D: