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This is for my dad.. who is dieing of a liver desiase because of the comsumtion of alchoal.
Dad... your the world to me. You are my protector.. my knight in shineing armor. You protected me from this mean world. You made living possible. You were my role modle and you still are. I love you more then you will ever know. I am Daddy's little girl, and I alway's will be. I still remember when I was little, holding your hand when we went fishing or went to one of the big boats you worked on. I'll alway's remember the way you pulled at my toes just to make me laugh and smile or you ruffled my hair just to ittitate me. As I grew older we grew apart when I learned what was killing you. Every sip of that posion... every time you became intoxicated you killed youself alittle bit more, and we both knew it. With every drink you took dad it hurt me inside but I learned to lock that pain up. I ahted you for the longest time for killing yourself, drink after drink after drink. Danny and I both watched from the side lines. I remember the first trip to the hospitle. I was 6 then. You puked bloosaved d up.. and almost died because your liver was giving out. They saved you.. but you continued to drink... Today I know it was out of depression, but back then I thought you did it just because, and that you didn't love us. Back then, taking a sip out of that can represented to me how much you hated this family. Today I think diffrently. I know you are upset, depressed. Every minute of your life you know you are going to die because of an illness. I wish I could take back all those hateful emotions because dad... I love you... Today, I'm 16 and I'm growing up fast, and your becomeing an old man, but I can tell your getting worse. You complain constantly about your stomach.. and you need oygen to help you breath at night... dad... I know it wont be long... I know death is going to haunt our home soon. I just wanted to tell you that I love you. I love you more then this universe can explain. I will be next to you when your times comes. I'll comfort you till death takes you. I love you. Poppy is waiting for you... When you die your Dad's arms will be open waiting. <3 I know you'll alway's be with me... even after death. <3 You will always be my knight in shineing armor.
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