
silver-phoenix_zaniyah's avatar

Last Login: 05/24/2021 9:41 am

Registered: 02/19/2009

Location: Taking over the world

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Rising from the ashes, I will never remain dead. I may die, but I can live again. My life is eternal and I will always be back. So don't shed tears, for I will come back in your arms. I won't die and I won't stay dead. So cry not a river, and await my return.

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Name: Naruto & Sasuke
Age: 5
Likes: ramen, sasuke, playing, pranks, tomatos, itachi, naruto, onigiri
Dislikes: spicy food, being caught, following laws sweets, fangirls, girls in general

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Name: Renji Abarai
Date of Adoption: 19-11-2010
Likes: Sleeping, Fighting, Chilling
adopt one

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Name: Tōshirō Hitsugaya
Date of Adoption: 19-11-2010
Likes: Hugs, Cuddling, Sweets
adopt one


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The Book of Lost Souls

In my journal, i'll be writing anything that comes to mind. Mostly regrading rps plots and ideas. Besides I want to get some good original rps out to play around with, with others


View All Comments

Tenuous Orion Report | 01/02/2017 5:37 am
Tenuous Orion
Cute avatar!
What are the legs? ouo
Tenuous Orion Report | 12/25/2016 9:51 am
Tenuous Orion
Very cute ^^
Tenuous Orion Report | 12/25/2016 8:50 am
Tenuous Orion
Meh, not quite how they should tbh ^^"
Your AV is super cute and wintry-like~
Tenuous Orion Report | 12/24/2016 5:59 pm
Tenuous Orion
Spending cool family time?
Tenuous Orion Report | 12/24/2016 3:10 pm
Tenuous Orion
Meep! -puts up anti-poke barrier-
How're the holidays going?
Tenuous Orion Report | 12/24/2016 7:35 am
Tenuous Orion
-pokes again-
Tenuous Orion Report | 11/23/2016 7:02 pm
Tenuous Orion
They're still your posts though- I'm pretty sure you'd be able to edit them if you were in the thread.
That was a fun RP- it's too bad it died :/
Tenuous Orion Report | 11/23/2016 6:52 pm
Tenuous Orion
I was looking back at old RPs and stuff.
I think some of my links for that one might've died too- are you still able to edit those posts?
PS: Cute current~
Tenuous Orion Report | 11/23/2016 11:47 am
Tenuous Orion
I couldn't get it to work xD
The RP was Secrets Within the Shadows, with all the supernatural teens ;P
Tenuous Orion Report | 11/22/2016 8:22 am
Tenuous Orion
Yeah, school is a thing xD
Also, how did you manage to wear the Starlit Guardian belt with the Mysterious Fighter pants? o.o
Also also, remember that RP of yours we were in?


I rp. Love them. Groups or 1X1s XD. If interested check out my thread and send me a pm.

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