
SierraKhalia's avatar

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ALOHA~! I'm sierra, my friend's like calling me Sie, So whats up people?! My favorite color is of course PINK! PINK RUNS THE WORLD! I live in Cali. My mommy is Bosnian and my dad is american, he's a marine I love him very much and he's so silly. Did i mention I love the color pink ALOT! You know what makes me ticked, that the color PINK isn't in the rainbow -_- isn't that depressing?!
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^ Lol! I was so cute in the past! I didn't even capitalize the "S" in Sierra nor did I use proper punctuation. Although I am not permanently returning to Gaia, I wanted to do a little update on my life! I am currently attending Stanford University, where I am a Nursing Major(Yup, I sold my life to nothing but torment).I am also apart of the cheerleading team! I am have been doing cheerleading -for literally-all my life. I am also apart of the LOVELY anchor ladies of Delta Gamma! It's a pretty amazing sorority and I am proud to be a legacy.User Image

^2022 Update: I am a Nurse Practitioner, who still loves pink and cheerleading. I have denounced my previous sorority membership and I am now a part of the graduate chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha,INC. emotion_bigheart

-raises an eyebrow and pops gum- YO. Listen up, 'cause I'm only gonna say this once. Everyone calls me Avid, and this homie right here be Sierra. Now, don't chu mess with her, 'cause she will b***h you out in a minute, and plus you mess with her you be messin' with me capiche? One more thing, this crazy chick looooves the color pink, buuut she gonna learn how to love the color lime green ;D Anywho, yeeee BOSNIA GIRL RIGHT HERE, property of Avid and my other home girl Susu. So, you better watch out, might be lucky to meet one of us c; Plus boyyyys if you think you be fallin' for mah gurl, you best be treatin' her right or I will go craycray on you. Aight Avid out bitches ✌


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xX_Sukiyumi_Xx Report | 12/24/2022 6:03 pm
Thank you! Oh and definitely! It’s nice to catch up. Still rocking the pink and I love to see it. I actually just bought a whole pink outfit
xX_Sukiyumi_Xx Report | 12/19/2022 8:08 am
Hey Sieeeeeee!! Congratulations on becoming a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority incorporated. Tragic. But I am happy for you, froggy lol!
Loyal ace Report | 04/30/2018 9:56 am
Loyal ace
Lol I've only recently been on to see the state of gaia, and I saw some old messages that made me want to catch up with Suki, plus I plan on going to Japan sometime this year if I get the money so I thought it'd be nice to meet after sooooooooooooo long, but yeah Ive also messaged Miaka
Loyal ace Report | 04/29/2018 9:38 pm
Loyal ace
Well I didn't think you're on that often so you know I thought I should ask about Suki before anything else? sweatdrop Also I've seen your comments you're finnnnnenenenenene
Loyal ace Report | 04/15/2018 8:16 pm
Loyal ace
Hoi you got any way of letting me contact Suki
Miaka-chanXD Report | 06/23/2016 11:28 am
Yatta! I knew you could do it! All that studying must have paid off, right? And Nihon is great! The campus is so big and full of life! I have this really cute young professor and he is single and ready to mingle! Speaking of Susu-chan, I hear that she's going through the process of joining an NPHC sorority and so is Yuyu-chan! It is very exciting I assume! She informed be of something called a probate! You joined one as well right?
Miaka-chanXD Report | 06/23/2016 11:08 am
It is very nice to see you on this game! I missed you so much (even though I see you on the snaps)! Gaia is so dead and you are the only one, besides Suki, that I know their whereabouts! It is very crazy indeed!
xX_Sukiyumi_Xx Report | 05/22/2015 11:41 am
I was such a cutie pie back then....hell, I still am emotion_awesome And I know, time goes by fast when you're a fashionista. You, Avid, Olivia, and Jose are so old now, it's insane. You guys are gonna need walkers! AND LIFE ALERT! emotion_facepalm
Sydrains Report | 05/14/2015 3:25 pm
-shakes you again- AHHHHHHHH. SIE'S GETTING A BOYFRIEND. SIE'S GETTING A BOYFRIEND XD Actually, like I told Susu, I'm talking to someone too ;D
xX_Sukiyumi_Xx Report | 05/10/2015 11:56 am
SIERRA! *tackles hugs* Still rocking pink, I see. Thought you'd grow out of it lolololololol!


Giant PINK cupcake :D