
sexyWaffles123's avatar

Birthday: 02/19


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my other account RandomDragon896 tells you all about me. So don't ask anything about me and the one thing i forgot to mention is that i'm obsessed with waffles.......(and anime) but that's beside the point idk why i like them so much so don't ask or i'll kik ur a**. ok anyway yeah. so i geuss no i'll talk about my friends. My closest friends in the world are Zoey,Courtney(girls) destry,brock (boys). courtney and brock are step sibilings and destry is my ex-bf. courtney and i have been bffs since 3rd grade. so yeah that's my group of friends. well i have about 10 thousand other. No seriously i have to many too list because we would be here all day. yeah but my friends and i have all gotten in pretty tite spots (usually because i talked them into it). But we've also had a lot of fun. Like this one time i was with courtney and we were sitting out on my front porch at 3 am and all of a sudden fireworks start showing up!!! it was crazy and we laughed. Have you ever heard the saying " a best friend is someone who knows everything about you and still loves you" well that's courtney and zoey literally. I have done things that i'm not proud of and they know it but they still love me. I thank God everyday for those two and all my other friends. Like my friend Marty she's really struggled with life is just now geting back on her feet. She's always thanking me for always being there for her to talk to or when she needed a place to go to my house was always open. I geuss that's one thing i'm really good at is listening and connecting to others. So if you ever find yourself needing to talk to someone you can talk to me. I won't ever tell anyone!I have to talk about zoey now some more. There's just so much that we've done that it's hard to find a place to start!! well whne we first met i kinda though she was a b***h lol but ya know the rest of the world thinks i am ;D but we would always go outside at the begginig of the year then somehow the year eneded with like 10 of us looking at anime pics on my ipod! lol but the first time i styaed at her house we spent the whole time on ponyisland(don't ask) i still had long hair. Hahahahaha courtney text me telling me how her left boob itchedhahahaha i asked if i could scrattch it! hahaha but then we ended up emailing each other every day texting and calling each other. She likes to prank call. like one time there was this one touch saolon thing....anyway we're not gonna go into that. but yeah. If only i could tell you everything!! I want to tell you about court too but we've known each other so long i don't kno where to start!!!! oh if only you knew the things my friends and i have done!!!



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zoobezee Report | 07/15/2009 3:43 pm
Awesome name!
hottie-4u-21 Report | 10/03/2008 8:19 am
Giftiger Toxique Report | 09/25/2008 3:59 pm
Giftiger Toxique
haha, ya need to up date ur abo9ut me section. lol
I aint datin him anymore.
*Tear* *Party*
Surgical_Mask_Romance Report | 08/20/2008 3:33 pm
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin
I Love A Ninja13 Report | 08/07/2008 1:37 pm
I Love A Ninja13
PAL_PeaceAndLove Report | 08/05/2008 3:47 pm
omg ur actually on for once
I Love A Ninja13 Report | 08/03/2008 2:58 pm
I Love A Ninja13
Giftiger Toxique Report | 08/03/2008 1:05 pm
Giftiger Toxique
uh, hi. LOL Im bored and I need to show you how to make ur profile pretty. LOL
hottie-4u-21 Report | 08/03/2008 12:19 am
hey im sorry.i just got out of a bad relationship n i need some1 2 b wiff really really sorry.oh n tell ur other friends im sorry 2.i really am. burning_eyes
Giftiger Toxique Report | 07/28/2008 8:08 pm
Giftiger Toxique

I told you I like spaes! :-)


*crys a new river!!!*


















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I have a slight obsesstion with waffles if you cant tell i my other profile lol. in fact my nickname among my family is peanutButter waffles.