Hi! I am PAL_PeaceAndLove! Peace and Love is what I stand for!
I belive the world should be less rude and mean and be more peaceful, and loving! That doesn't mean I'm against war though. I actually have to agree with war. Those soldiers are fighting for our lives, and yes, you might be thinking im self-fish but, im not. You are totaly miss-judging me. They are dong what they want to do, so for you to say no to them doing what they want to, you're being pretty self-fish urself. So, no "Make cupcakes instead of war" crap infront of me. My dad is in the US Army and I am very proud of him. Many of you know him, and many of you also know I don't quite get along with him, but that doesn't mean I can't be proud of him. lol. >.<
I am a very bright, fun, and outgoing kinda person, so feel free to talk to me. I love bright colors. Which explains the rainbow backround. I am not lesbo or bi, I just like bright colors. No I havent kissed a girl, (the song)I just like the song, it has a good beat, fun to dance to. Oh, yeah, Btw, I love dancing, I don't think i'm that good, but others say different. I did gymnastics for many many years, but I am sad to say, I am not in it now, they don't have the *Stuff* and *Support* I need to be in it. I moved right before sixth grade. So I was in a great gymnastics untill then. It was West Academy Of Yuma(or also known as W.A.Y).
I was a strait "A" Student till the seventh grade, but I hope I can chnage that. lol. Not that I am a teachers pet or anything, but my dad doesnt yell at me when I have strait "A's". lol. Plus, it looks better on my college application. LOL. >.<
I am happy to say, I am currently taken, not just taken though, lol. I have the most amazingly awsome Boyfriend! LOL. >.<
But anyways, to not sound obsessed, I'll change the aubject, or not. LOL. But, his name is Brock. He's funny, amazing, and i'm going to leave it at that, cuz, if I tell you more about him, you might like him too. lol. But, sad to say, he doesn't have a gaia.
I will not tell you my surrent age, address, number(s), or emails. I will not share anything that can lead you over to me. If you feel like PMing me, just to talk, do so, I don't mind. I have plenty of Free time.
I love to party, I'm a wild one. All my friends and I are labeled "The retards" when it comes to school cliques. lol. But we don't mind it, we actually encourage it! LOL, well, kinda.
I am obsessed with Inuyasha, the Jonas Brothers, and many other things, lol.
I love to shop, so, yeah, end of that. PERIOD!
I did not make my avatar according to how I look, so don't assume that that is what I look like. lol. I look a ton different then my avatar.
I have two dogs, but I count one as a donkey and one as a rat. lol. The "Rat" dogs is tiny, really ratty, and gross looking(not mine, my moms, and I hate her), and my "Donkey" dog is a giant Yellow Lab, I love him to death, he's my baby, even tho he sheads all the time, and stinks.
He has some weird disease, idk what it is, but my mom has been looking it up.
My (As you say) Life?
Favortite Color: Purple, and anything glowing/neon.
Favorite Sport: Gymnastics, and volley ball.
Favortie season: SUMMER!
Favortie Animal: Fox or Wolf, kinda changes. PANDA! (many animals.)
Favotire Hobby: Dancing.
Favorite Fruit: Kiwi, Pineapple, and apples, hard to choose.
Favorite Vegetable: Brocolli.(I know, sad, cuz my BF's name is Brock, well, GET OVER IT!)
Favorite Soda/Pop: Dr.Pepper and Coka-cola.
Favorite Candy: Razzles and Hersheys, and Carmello.
Favorite Flower: Roses, and anything purple.
Fvaorite song(oh boy, long list): Okay, I Will Follow You Into The Dark--Death Cab For Cutie, Scary Movies(Techno)--DJ Trashy, Come with me(Techno, two versions)--Special D., Baby Look at us and The Single Life (Techno)-- Sarina Paris, Scream(Techno)--Starkillers, Suga Suga--Frankie J., Outta My System-- Bow Wow, Kiss Kiss and With You-- Chris Brown, No Air--Jordan Sparks(Ft. Chris Brown), Jiggle It(Brock theme song, mine and chelsea's)--Young Leak, This is Real, This is Me/I gotta Find You--Demi Lavato and Joe Jonas, Burnin up, SOS, Hold on, and Play my music-- Jonas Brothers, and Low--Flo Rida.
Favortie Movie: The Invisible.(great Movie, five star for me)
That's about it! You can find all my really great friends that I know in real life, up at the top! They are so amazing, I love them, and I'm glad I can Call them my friends!
Anything more you want to know, PM me, if you think I missed something, let me know!
Oh, yeah, Btw! I am always making the peace sign instead of good-bye and hello. lol. so yeah!