
NaMe: IzZie
BiRtHdAy: JuNe 3
LoVeZ:My BaBii, mY FriEnDs
HaTez: HaTeRz
WaY: sTrAiT

-im in the 7th grade
-im takken
-im a great kisser
-im hawt.... (as im told)
-im white and latina
-im not a virgin
-i love to "have fun"
- i can be a complete devil but i have a good side
-i love white guys with long hair
-i love latino guy with pretty eyes
-im in love with Brady Chavez
-im in a gang
-im colorful
-im emo/scene
-im very crazy
-im a drug addict
-i love getting high
-i love music
-i love drawing
-i love tattooing ppl wit sharpies
-im on the dance team

-any questions just ask

im not a skinny b***h if yhu waz wonderin, just a sexii chick wit sexii curvez wink

just call me milk and ill do yhur body good!