Hi, I'm Sarrei but you can call me Sarrei. My friends are my life. I tried to go through life without 'em and...well that just sucked and I don't want to do it again. My friends have made such a huge impact on my life and I love them all. You know who you are, gals. ;DAnyways, more 'bout me, 'cause thats what you came here for right? I have no idea what my fav color is. I like 'em all. I'm a hopeless daydreamer and find it hard to focus on everyday things 'cause I'm always daydreaming about something totally unrelated. I'm a klutz and have no grace whatsoever. Okay maybe thats a lie. I have a little grace. When I really really try, but other then that, zip. Yeah, I constantly trip over random things and end up flat on my face, especially when I try not to. Which is embarrassing. I don't really act my age. I act waaay to young sometimes.I love to play and to run and to act childish. smile Though I do realize I need to grow up. ican't be a kid forever.
I don't like change. So I try to change as little as possible. In fact I hate change.
Um...what else? Oh, I'm Christian. Not really strong, but I try. I know God will use me for whatever he needs to use me for. Whatever that may be. I honestly have no clue. Don't worry, I won't start randomly preaching to you, I don't do that. In fact I try to stay away from topics about religion and politics, I hate people blowing up about them.
i HATE people who try and box me in. Like control me. That irks me. I don't mind people telling me what to do, but when people tell me what to do with my life...well I just don't like it. i also don't like it when people try to protect me. I only allow that from friends, best friends. (R.H.&T.S. biggrin Love ya!)
Uhm.... I don't like it when people smoke. D: Its like watching them slowly poison themselves. not good.
Horses! I loooooove horses. I try to ride as often as i can cause horses are so awesome. x3
I love my DS. Idk how I'd live without it. biggrin It's red, since i know your dying to know.
I'm currently dreaming of: seeing my bff, whom I have not seen in forever, like forever forever. Unfortunately its expensive to visit so gotta save up.
I LOVE: My friends, fam, cats, tech, ds, txt, cold weather, sunny weather, birds, hugs, pizza, ice cream, sweets, Canada, cali, silkworms, animals, carnations, gamecube, xbox, tv, computer, "sleeping" over (staying up all night), ice skating, horses, mountains, clouds, storms, people who "get" me, poptarts, nature, climbing trees, climbing into small spaces, hide 'n' seek, England, hanging upsidown until the blood rushes to my head, fog, txt speak, science, music, ipod, naming inanimate objects randomly,swimming, reptiles, snakes, frogs, neopets, hiding stuff, Japan, megaman, ebayyyy, stars, being completely random, playin matchmaker, lucky star,
I HATE: How awkward I am around guys, spiders, stupid things I regret doing, being alone, stress, school (somtimes), doctors (sometimes, i know they are just trying to help but...), when people are talking about something interesting and randomly trail off, drugs, smoking, when Im dragged into a situation dont wanna be in, change, being useless, moldy bread, humid, really badly chipped nailpolish, spilling water all over a just-finished essay, excessive cussing (do you really need to drop the F-bomb three times after every word?), people who don't "get" me and think they do, old oatmeal, being such a packrat (jeez i so wish i wasn't) LONG CAR TRIPS.
So anywayyyyyyyys thats all about me. XD Wow I sound so different on the computer then IRL.
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