You Want to Know About Me?

~^~Santana Lopez~^~

Hey, bitches. What? Offended? Why don't you go talk to the mentally disturbed ginger that this lame-ass school hired to be the guidance counselor? I'm sure that she'd listen to your long as you sat in a tub of hand sanitizer for five minutes before entering in her office. e_e Anyway, I'm Santana...even though you should know who I am. Anybody who's anybody knows who I am. Why? I'm on the Cheerios at McKinley...and now that Quinn Fabray's off the team, I have the chance to become the new Captain. So, I've pretty much slept with 30% of my high school (including girls...don't judge) since only 20% of them are even worth talking to. At least during sex you don't have to talk much. I'm also the Queen of Sexting. You'll be so turned on by my sexts that you won't be able to erase them. That being said, everyone is my bitch. End of story. Even Brittany... -smiles a bit before quickly scowling- Brittany's a flake, but she's got a great butt. -rolling eyes again- I'm also in Glee Club. Not that Glee matters to me all that much. It's... -pause- enough. -pause- I just don't want my talent to go to waste...and just because I'm in a club with geeks doesn't make me one. -hand on hips, huffs- So, are we done now? I need to go to the tanning salon before I tie Puck to the bed.