
Saitiyo-Agito's avatar

What I'm Wearing

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Stuff I Like

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Stuff You Should Know

I am Saitiyo-Agito, but you can call me just Agito or Keiji. I'm quite crazy, it seems, but don't worry, I don't bite. I could go into detail explaining myself, but I won't; this is the basic stuff.

I play three instruments: trumpet, trombone, and baritone, and very few of the stereotypical things associated with any of those sections apply to me very much. I'm busy with band a lot, but I also am a writer, and a gamer. Between those things and school, I'm usually pretty busy.

Even though most people usually see just one side of me, my moods vary my personality significantly. Therefore, I won't say I'm always lighthearted, or always serious, or anything like that, as it changes depending on how I feel at any given moment.

~These are a few of my favorite things~
-Staying up late (I be nocturnal!)

~These are a few of my least favorite things~
-Whining (especially in band)
-Waking up early

Wow, this section needs work. *lazy*

Voices In My Head...?

View All Comments

mufftigg Report | 08/24/2010 8:42 pm
Dost mine eyes deceive me? You be online!! o.o
JewlzKristine Report | 05/03/2010 11:56 am
Why don't you get on much
Hasami-hime Report | 12/31/2009 12:04 pm
Ohaithar. =D
maradraik Report | 12/29/2009 12:08 pm
mufftigg Report | 12/14/2009 8:26 am
random spammage for gold

Also, your profile vid is broke.
Hasami-hime Report | 11/27/2009 1:52 pm
Alrighty. JK and Yurro are coming up tomorrow to my house. They will arrive between 10 and 12 ish and stay til 3 ish. You are welcome to come over to my house at that time. Call me if you have any questions (at my GRandma's right now but I'll be home tonight.)
Hasami-hime Report | 11/13/2009 7:34 pm
Nice avatar. ^_^
Daishidragon Report | 08/26/2009 10:23 pm
i love your paw prints ^_^
mufftigg Report | 05/01/2009 11:09 pm
Hasami-hime Report | 03/18/2009 8:53 pm
I think this is the most clothing I've ever seen you in.....



Yes, I'm procrastinating on the profile construction.