Rose of Luna

Rose of Luna's avatar

Last Login: 06/05/2023 8:01 pm

Registered: 10/30/2007

Gender: Female

Location: California

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rosedryad on 07/01/2019

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About Rose of Luna

Name: Alison.
Nicknames: Ali, Luna, Rose, Lili
Gender: Lunarian.
Sexual Orientation: Panromantic grey-asexual.
Location: Southern California.
Sisters whee : SuchABeautifulNightmare and Mana Is Eternity.
It's been a very long time since I've been here regularly. I started Gaia in 2007, and met many friends here. It's been over 10 years! I still check my messages periodically, so if we used to talk and you want to get a hold of me, I'd be happy to chat!
If this account sends you spam messages, that means it has been hacked!


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