

RogueWolf26's avatar

Birthday: 08/17


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whee Hi, I'm Ashley! I'm created my profile in 2008 but am barely starting to use it. My man got me addicted already. rolleyes I mean, it's revenge for me getting him addicted to wolf packs on Facebook lol. Anyways, I'm 20 and darn proud of it! I love animals and I'm really not that into gaming. I love reading and hardly ever watch T.V. Some of my favorite book series are the House of Night Series, Vampire Chronicles, Silver Wolf Series, Harry Potter, Twilight, and anything Harlequin Romance. Any questions? Ask them. If I feel they're too personal, I'll tell you. Is that all for now? I thought so, Blessed Be.


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Lefitte Report | 08/15/2011 3:18 am
Hello there beautiful. I'm not entirely sure why I'm on here. I thought I'd lost this a LONG time ago but apparently that was my other account. Very interesting, entirely amusing, and hi. Ily.
Miss Mary Muffet Report | 10/27/2010 3:05 pm
Miss Mary Muffet
Yes ma'am, they're awesome! (:
It's just so chilly, the only thing to do is snuggle in blankets. haha.

I got my wisdom teeth removed today. My face is swollen like a chipmunk! It really hurts.
Have you had yours removed?
Miss Mary Muffet Report | 10/09/2010 3:35 pm
Miss Mary Muffet
Strange world!!! ^^
Thanks for the veggie support, I appreciate it biggrin

Not much is new... I've just been snuggling in blankets and slippers 3nodding
Miss Mary Muffet Report | 10/05/2010 12:24 pm
Miss Mary Muffet
Did you freeze last night?? xD

About what I can eat~ here's a good website that lists lots of foods and has ton of information, if you're interested in reading it! :3
The only problems I really have are eating out at restaurants and eating at other peoples' houses.
And I get a lot of crap for wanting to eat the way I do. People are like, you don't eat meat? What???? Why????
; n ;
Miss Mary Muffet Report | 10/04/2010 4:41 pm
Miss Mary Muffet
Yeah, it's been really cold here, too.
The other night it dropped below 40.
You won't die!! *throws you a blanket*
I'm glad you like your house!! whee

New...? Hmmm... well, I've decided that I want to try to be a vegan.
I've been vegetarian off and on for the past 6 years, and I just can't justify eating any animal products anymore.
I feel so empowered biggrin
Miss Mary Muffet Report | 10/04/2010 4:35 pm
Miss Mary Muffet
Hellooooo~! heart
I'm good! You?
How are you liking your new house?? ; u ;
Miss Mary Muffet Report | 09/06/2010 11:14 am
Miss Mary Muffet
haha, I'm getting excited too! It will be fun to hear how you do in your first snowstorm ;]
*not trying to be mean* rofl
yeah... my dad, he sure is something stare
Miss Mary Muffet Report | 09/05/2010 10:11 am
Miss Mary Muffet
haha sorry, I had to go last night because my dad was like GET OFF THE COMPUTER BECAUSE I'M TRYING TO SLEEP scream

*entertains you by dancing like a kitty cat*
purplepokeydots Report | 09/05/2010 9:00 am
its awesome so far....its a new experience for me and it pretty cool!!! heart
Miss Mary Muffet Report | 09/04/2010 5:07 pm
Miss Mary Muffet
Oh! Well in that case, ask me anything you want about cold weather advice ;]
Polluted snow sounds icky ; n ;
I hope kids don't eat it! lol


Nobody is perfect; until you fall in love with them.
The only way to truly see the world is through the eyes of a wolf.


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