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Toxic Cyber Cat Report | 11/25/2017 11:53 pm
There the radio silence back sweatdrop
wow what you did to your pc? stare
and I was feeling dead eek
thats why was away pretty much from everything sweatdrop
missed me? 3nodding

enjoy the fun sooner or later sweatdrop

its not healthy to drink alone stare
you might get more addicted than you are now rolleyes

some people in usa stuffing their relatives also sweatdrop
there was one man that was made shrine to keep his wife's corpse inside the house mrgreen

i'm not in the military so idk.... have you earned it, Sir

how about we make contract of me haunting you? rofl
if i won't freak you out in a month then i will move somewhere else ninja

yes you definitely should 3nodding

all their family were killing pets?
here was insident not so very long time ago
about two young girls that tortured bunny till death and posted in fb photos of their actions
OMG that got viral so fast
police got many calls by people, after week they got arrested but day after released
everything went viral again when someone posted those two girls names
court punishment were onlt social work for two years for them but I think people themselfs will punish them one day
since their addresses and phone numbers and names were posted for everyone to see rolleyes
they basically were adopting pets to torture them

yes she is.... sweatdrop
try living with her sweatdrop

so what does make you angry, i wanna see the bad side cool

you checking them out but don't adding me.... how rude stare
Toxic Cyber Cat Report | 10/22/2017 9:50 am
I guess you still can search new job slowly, since that will happen one day anyways sweatdrop

oh and I was thinking you gonna go alone get wasted there
now it's gonna be two of you... good luck

yes, I was about to offer to get them stuffed mrgreen
and put them on shelf so they could freak out guests lol

yes, Sir *salutes*
yes you are weird, Sir

such as, Sir?
aw you want me to haunt others, Sir

ha ha ha
welcome to my nightmare, Sir

meeting the right girl or the kids, Sir?

wow those people why would they... what kind of people can drop their pets that easily?

the point is she telling me that she don't want yet buying sweatdrop
and I though I have complicated mind - I guess that genes sweatdrop

I guess I'm your opposite, I have patience till certain moment
and when I reach the line then better watch out - it all gonna explode
I wish to have at least a bit of your cold blood, Sir

if people wouldnt throw food away then they wouldnt get into it rolleyes

well l liked a lot of photos there but wonder was there the one that was needed lol
so how come you using facebook, Sir? stare
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Toxic Cyber Cat Report | 10/14/2017 10:46 am
aw too bad

i challenge you to twisted

i choose not to train her, too lazy to do it sweatdrop

composting your pets, huh? sweatdrop
aw, how sweet, master redface

who knows stare
not that scary, just awkward situation neutral
so you think i better not to haunt you? stare

i can imagine crying
seriously the more i work here, less i wish to have kids.... stare
like i don't want those creatures in my life stare
I better have like 10 cats, dogs... whole damn zoo sweatdrop
so disappointing for my mother th (she buying baby clothes "for the future" wink

well, I would like to annoy you 3nodding

if you would feed them normally they wouldn't get into your garbage lol

such as?

always welcome, will ask that again soon 3nodding

what if i wanna free stuff also? mrgreen
should i like basically page or some image? question
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Toxic Cyber Cat Report | 10/08/2017 8:15 am
aw that sucks confused
can't they get you other job tho? sweatdrop
because it's their fault to begin with sweatdrop

stay sober as long as possible, duh mrgreen

you sure a good boy smile

ikr, unless they themselfs for their own good wanna learn to do something
pfft, my cat has no choise only to stay with me

so I am a pet for you... stare
goo to know.... stare
hmm... I might move to your back garden to live for rest of my life, tho ninja

good to know that you wash your teeth and don't wiggle stuff around lol
are you trying to imply that my eyes are scary now? stare
should I be offended now? stare
us - for sure, you - maybe... mrgreen

one of the tests
but really since now it's a full moon all the morons came out from their caves
yesterday one little boy came to me telling "i wanna pee"
I looked at him and told to go to his mother and tell her this
then was continue doing my stuff
and suddenly his mother from other hall side start to scream "who do you think you are to ignore my son???!"
I just looked at her and walked away leaving her screaming

i know... stare
*steals your phone*

they are pretty clean animals, you know
and I really doubt they gonna bite you
just imagine them as rats that living in the trees 3nodding
and about my dead rat, he (since I know it was male) was pretty good partying before....
you know all the juice... person that was taking care of it told that rat was really in love with multivitamin juice
they spoiled about 8 liter of juice

just look at it as you were cat not a human
it is long, ugly and smelly

p.s. got gf yet? ninja
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Toxic Cyber Cat Report | 09/28/2017 9:04 am
-pull your ear- no getting wasted, mister stare

I can't imagine you stealing anything
even a tiny candy mrgreen

what if cat doesn't listen you or totally ignore you?
no food for a week?

flower pot is better if you want to keep my ash that much
however you can feel free to spread my ah in some beautiful place 3nodding

not always you entering bathroom naked stare
plus I don't need to look at you if I want to scare you 3nodding
I can just close my eyes and do my haunting thingy 3nodding
that ghost and my bad influence for him.... you would have so much fun for sure mrgreen

yes few finding ice-cream rofl very few rolleyes

how would you feel if on lunch time they come and try taking your phone while you talking with your co-worker? stare
then when you taking your phone back would be like "who let you take it from me?" neutral

aw so cute I wanna keep squirrel as pet 3nodding
here we just invite people to put poison all over warehouse
that's why THAT rat have to die... I feel so guilty over it crying
because I was the one to say boss about rat

don't used cleaning stuff to scare your cat, that's too cruel eek
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Toxic Cyber Cat Report | 09/20/2017 12:48 pm
wasn't you?
I though few years passed already

yea, I think I'm better now
today was work 9 hours... 9 hours cleaning up the mess after stock-taking... yay!
worse situation was in warehouse
they left all our 20 storage containers in random possition
so it was a chalange to get though them
plus as far as heard those people can't count... like at all...
meneger of groceries does sausages stock-taking each week YET those people wrote that -500€ worth sausages are missing like WTF?!
also they supposed to "count" gel powder, do you think they done that? nooooo
but they still wrote as half of our stock missing
I am scared to think what mess they did in my "industry" (non-food) part
well tomorrow our boss suppose to be maybe she will tell it

well, it's warm and free food that you don't need to hunt down... that's why
I can't avoid that because she sleeping with me
literally all cats are after attention.. THEY.NEED.LOVE.
nope, no male cat.. mostly because they piss on the walls
my neighbour has... no one comes to their home
tho Prince is fixed cat

you can do more than shoe box.... User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
because for that "shoe box" my ghost won't let you peacefully take a shower ...ever again User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
and I will make sure your other ghosts with deal with your using bathroom User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

oh yes people are dumb
today some dude stopped me literally 2 steps away from ice-cream freezers and asked where we keeping ice-creams
I told that in the freezers
then he went to complain to my co-worker about me not taking him where the ice-creams are
did I prove them being stupid?

we have cleaners for inside... lately they started to annoy me
from 4 two is more or less normal
other two I start to avaoid
one is disgusting.. she comes to me whenever she sees me in hall or warehouse and starts telling me how she is sweating User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
that is the most interesting thing in the world and I absolute care about User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. stare
and other keep annoy me with her "why don't you stay in job few more hours?" whenever I'm going home... OR
"why don't you go to work in cashier today?"
the third was start annoy me about cashier also but one time I just told her "then maybe I should simply cut my wrists open if you want me to die that much..."
after this she shut up
oh you have only spiders? we have rats....
last month I came to job half asleep and have kicked to one poor rat crying
two weeks later I fount one dead... almost started to cry neutral because I as person that used to keep experimental rats found it sad that rat have die crying

oh no! not a broom!

aww.. too bad
Formatted by GaiaUpgrade
Toxic Cyber Cat Report | 09/16/2017 12:06 pm
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.wow! you are actually still alive!
I though you passed out or something User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
my this week was kinda ok, only few times I wanted to burn cashiers (furniture) down
been too sad for no reason... but my friend saved me from "dieing" idea
she fighting depression yet was trying to console me... irony of life...
we know each other for so long but it was first time me opening to her about how tired I am to live
don't understand it wrong I won't try to suicide or something
I just sometimes want to give up on everything and simply don't wake up in the morning
oh enough of that... my next week gonna be hard - stock-taking
(it's called like that in English, right?)
to think how big hypermarket is.... good that I won't do the counting tho...
30 outsiders will come and count over night and I will just need to tide up after it, but still...
wake up at 5 to go to bus at 6 that I would be in place at 7 am

lol sure why not User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

you simply stoke her 1s too much and there you have something to remember
I also sometimes play with Maxie in playful (and for me painful) manner User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

yet we call old people that we don't know if they had or hadn't kids as grannies or granpas
so yes she is granny, deal with that
aw too bad, Maxie is not.. but she has her "love me more" days not that often.. once a year.. maybe
sometimes I think she is boy lol

aww how sweet of you User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
you plan to be ghost with me? then how I gonna haunt you? User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
exactly! you won't expect them to kill you
you would think "oh so beautiful creature cant harm me"... and BAM they attack you and you RIP

do you also do the cleaning? like wiping floor, washing windows and so?
tell her to wash all windows User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

then no wonder why they picked locks instead of that User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

if cat is brave or stupid enough she will intend of attacking person User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

don't tell me you watched it also User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Formatted by GaiaUpgrade
Toxic Cyber Cat Report | 09/06/2017 11:13 am
wow it's been awhile since I've been online biggrin
so i was too tired after job...
working 6 days and 1 off is tiring af
then kinda got sick when finally had 2 off days
not sure what it was, just generally feeling weak and dizzy
yesterday was horrible, I wasn't feel dizzy ever as I did yesterday
also in the morning almost got under car because sudendly it felt like I would faint or something
somehow survived work, tho don't remember anything what happened yesterday

just think how old you becoming while waiting
it's called evolution...

you have no idea how long I was laugh from "gorilla hands"
my imagination did the trick you + actual gorilla hand
omg... so funny.....
scares or scars???? I'm not sure what you mean with that sentence
are they fixed?

oh well, then I assume you won't save me from burning
I will haunt you
what you have against sparkles?

I still working on my virus biggrin

aw you so cute when angry

Aww you poor poor thing
want me to kick her a** for that?

aww crap they should have put bars on windows instead
but locks are cheaper tho lol

dogs are human "friend", cats are up to kill the friend and basically anything that's moving

Well later I re-watched it with my mom
I actually liked it, Belle was same actress as Hermione from Harry Potter
their version from original story was a bit different but it didn't made story worse
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Toxic Cyber Cat Report | 08/20/2017 8:35 am
ugh send me all that codes and i will fix it
then you will delete those and add there fixed ones

nooo not ages, yet
days maybe... good that not months
toxic you leads to toxic bugs and that doesn't sound good... at all...
I bet it was... they are nice band

so evil....

I actually haven't though of your hairness lmao
but good to know?
nuh they won't hurt you seriously... not as i.e. lions
oh Tabbie is granny already
my Maxie is also around 4-5 years

hey its better than noting and you can dive straight into fire
more scum bags than you it's needed
sometimes I think they infecting others with all that "dirt" they have in their heads
after Edward met Bella he became kinda happy
they don't glow they are diamonds... literally

but hopefully they would infect family members
I am not saying they will die fast.... lets give them few weeks before death?

Does anciant sound better?
jk jk just messing with you

I know right... "but she is so good worker"..
(she does 1/3 of what I do during day)

who knows....
so... don't you feel safe with all thos locks?

Guess what I found in my back garden this morning???

angry cat is no joke tho
I saw tiny kitten beaten crap out of huge dog
and then kitten mom came to save her baby - RIP dog, run away screaming

my morning wasn't that interesting as yours
was sleep till 9.13 am then went to watch Belle and the beast 2017
and during it was drawing
(since I have bought this notebook that I decided to dedicate to drawing s and sketches and things I want to remember)
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Toxic Cyber Cat Report | 08/18/2017 1:01 pm
why you haven't change the links i gave you? User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
it ain't that hard, you know and page once again would look perfect

at least you missing me
(well i hope you do)
if they eat you it means you are tasty so you have +1 good quality
oh i think you would like to go to festivals (in other countries) such as: Mera Luna, Castlefest, Elfia
(I sure would like to go to it tho)
there are bands and selling cool stuff and a lot of cool people with their daily "costumes"

the more person "meat" has the better he is - maybe same goes with cats

person would get more damage tho

if it wouldn't be like sand paper how would she clean your hairy hands lol
(erm i assume they are hairy since you are male)
evil plan? like "dazing" you with her sweetness then attack when you out of guard?
how old are your cats?

hey dont ignore your being hero part
don't you wanna be my hero?
even though it sound crazy but i rather drink human blood than hurt animal
you mean like "Twilight" vampires? they can walk in day time just are shiny af

lol then send them letter with virus and little note:
"Congratulations you were just infected with Ray virus. Have a nice few hours left before first symptoms starts."

what's with that stare?

week before in our daily meetings boss told that her bosses telling to change few workers since according them "all workers are same and fresh blood is needed"
ok I understand this... new person increases crew development
but I work there for only 6 months... I'm pretty fresh, right?
why not to fire the one that is 70+ years old?????
(yes we have that old person here and she complain about everything... this and that is bad etc.)

was it at least alcoholic ones? or simple soda?
weird person....
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Ghostmaker the 2nd
zarlic the first
Toxic Cyber Cat

Death & poverty love me so much, they brort friends!

I'm a clone!

Death to one and all or have fun trying


May you ride eternal on the highways of Valhalla all shiny & chrome, rest in peace buddy!!!

I'm not crazy.. I'm mentally unrestricted

Happiness is...having friends with the same mental disorders as you