Ramon SaIazar

Ramon SaIazar's avatar

Location: Spain

Occupation: Eighth Castellan


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Salazar's History

Ramon Salazar is an antagonist in the video game, Resident Evil 4. He is the castellan of a nearby castle in the village, which is controlled by a religious cult, "Los Illuminados". Although his diminutive stature, gray hair and wrinkled face give him the appearance of an old man, he claims that he is only 20 years old; this is most likely a result of his long-term Plaga infestation.

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Centuries ago, the first Salazar castellan sealed off a breed of parasites known as "Las Plagas", which were used by the Los Illuminados cult to take control of victims and recruit new members. The Los Illuminados cult continued to suffer persecution at the hands of the castellans; this carried on for many years until Ramon Salazar came to power.

Ramon, the eighth castellan, lived alone with his butler and had no immediate family since childhood. This left him vulnerable to Osmund Saddler's influence, who used Salazar's faith in the Los Illuminados' beliefs to his advantage. Salazar was convinced to undo the seal of the Las Plagas in order to atone for the "sins" of his ancestors. Once the excavation of the Las Plagas had begun, he was injected with one of the parasites. This would give him power over the Ganados, most of the Los Illuminados' cultists, and two fearsome, mutated bodyguards known as Verdugos. Eventually, he was completely taken over by the power of the parasites. Salazar became a recluse in his castle, as he no longer cared for anything but the survival and domination of Los Illuminados, which led to his assistance in the capture of the U.S. President's daughter, Ashley Graham. Only his butler knew the truth of his full spiritual incapacitation.

In 2004, American agent Leon S. Kennedy infiltrated the village and recaptured the president's daughter, Ashley Graham. As the two attempted to escape from the Ganados, they found themselves within Salazar's Castle, which was heavily guarded with all sorts of creatures and death-traps. Leon, after overcoming all of Salazar's obstacles, battled and killed one of the Verdugos. Salazar then came face to face with Leon and merged with his remaining Verdugo, mutating into a plant-like creature that took the whole second story wall with two large dangerous tentacles, one on each side. The Verdugo became a long thick neck with a large head, with a swollen eye on the left that serves as a weak point and when damaged enough, exposes the real weak point: Salazar himself, who is now fused with the neck. After a long, arduous battle, Leon defeated Salazar; the hideous, mutated creature shriveled up and died, ending the reign of the eighth castellan.

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Lovely Claire Redfield Report | 10/23/2013 3:07 pm
Lovely Claire Redfield
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~Claire Redfield~

The Darc Knight Report | 09/26/2012 5:22 pm
The Darc Knight
Long time no see little man. cool
The Darc Knight Report | 05/22/2012 7:53 pm
The Darc Knight
Haven't heard from you in a while Catellan...
iLeon S Kennedy Report | 02/01/2012 8:27 pm
iLeon S Kennedy
'Ey, muchacho corto. El mundo pequeno, no? emotion_awesome
iComrade_Krauser Report | 01/31/2012 9:18 pm
Touche, Then cheers to a boring month :3 Hahah
iComrade_Krauser Report | 01/31/2012 9:01 pm
I agree but to not have much on is rather boring as well :/
iComrade_Krauser Report | 01/31/2012 8:57 pm
Good to hear, meh i can't complain :3
Been up to much then?
iComrade_Krauser Report | 01/31/2012 8:49 pm
Indeed, and how have you been in your rather long absence?
iComrade_Krauser Report | 01/31/2012 8:37 pm
You so rarely come on, seeing you online is like seeing a blue. So special lol!
Yojimaru Report | 11/04/2011 5:26 pm
Here you go~ http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/gaia/cosplay-avatar/vote/?entry_id=102615651

I won't blame you if you've not heard of them. Plenty of people have told me they've never heard of Grandia 2.


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