Registered: 05/27/2005
Gender: Female
Birthday: 06/26
Watashi wa Gina Desu
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She sparkles ^
because she's heavenly.
My immortal, man.
It's love, I tell you.
Look at Yusuke loom
out of the darkness
in Squall's mind.
They were obviously
meant to be.
A cup of blood
A bottled scream
Smashed again
In only my dream
What is a scream
Covered in blood?
An evil flower from
An innocent bud
What shape would
The unseen take
Once doused in
Crimson hate?
A late monkshood
Or a lovely rose?
A grave resemblance
That no one knows
Cause neither shows
In just my own dream
With my caught blood
And trapped scream
In the end freed among
A red splattered mask of
Shattered porcelain and glass
And scattered sweetpeas
Leaving with the breeze
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Sweetened dickriding comments encourage me but don't help me to improve. These ones whilst it might seem a bit discouraging, they're not harsh so I can learn a thing or two and keep going forward.
I've just posted another piece in the same section. If it's okay with you, I would love to get some input on that one as well.
Thanks love <333
It seems so xDDD
Thank you too! ;D
I'll pay 23k then D: