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Ping Nick Wright's avatar

Last Login: 08/04/2015 2:23 pm

Registered: 07/03/2008

Gender: Female

Location: United States

Wise words

In this world, nothing's original, except Pringles Original. - Craig Benzine


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My Notebook

What ever I feel like putting in here, will be in here.


A little snippet into me

Hello, I am Ping Nick Wright and this is my not so impressive profile.
I am just an female living in the United States of America.
Nerdfighter, tumbler, devientartist, gamer, and much much more, and it can all be yours at the low low price of friendship!

Drop me a word or two

View All Comments

xMoro-Dashix Report | 01/27/2013 6:08 pm
Well there's always hopefully the summer. biggrin Alot of the time that was when I was doing my rp stuff when I didn't have time.
kids killing kids Report | 01/26/2013 10:27 am
And p***y bills boooo
kids killing kids Report | 01/25/2013 2:01 pm
Its getting closer to payday blaugh
kids killing kids Report | 01/25/2013 1:05 pm
Holy s**t the week went by fast o.o
kids killing kids Report | 01/24/2013 8:49 pm
LOL it was ok
kids killing kids Report | 01/23/2013 9:56 am
Just got up
xMoro-Dashix Report | 01/23/2013 4:28 am
Hey! biggrin And yes I do, just not as often as I used to. I'm hoping to be on here more though now that I've got more free time.
kids killing kids Report | 01/23/2013 2:32 am
so what are you up to?
kids killing kids Report | 01/23/2013 2:27 am
thanks ^^ <3
kids killing kids Report | 01/23/2013 2:15 am
i love em o.o
here is one of my boys. clicks


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