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peterrrrrrr's avatar

Gender: Male

Birthday: 02/26


Hello everyone!
My name is Peter and I’m from Russia. I was born in the centre of Siberia of Russia - Irkutsk. By the way, nearby there is the deepest and the lake in the world - Baikal. I’m more than 25 years old, but when somebody sees me for the first time he/she thinks that I am a schoolboy. It is because I look young and am not high.
People can tell much about the person, having learnt its hobby and predilection. I like to play computer games. Basically I play Sony Playstation 3. Many games have affected on my musical preferences, I like Original soundtracks. Also I like anime and manga. Recently I began to try to draw. I cannot tell that I have achieved any results in it, but some my friends like my sketches. Also it is interesting for me to study languages, English, German. Can you understand who am I, when you know my hobbies?
My vital credo: be yourself and concern people how you would like they will concern you. If I need to describe my personal qualities it will be difficult for me. The only thing that I can tell, that I try to be judicious, guarded and patient, benevolent to all people.
I ask to excuse me for errors in language. I hope that this not big description of me will help to find friends.


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Miyoshii Report | 05/01/2022 3:09 am
Hope you are okay~ gaia_sakura
Exhululath Report | 02/26/2021 2:34 pm
Happy Birthday!
Exhululath Report | 07/22/2020 11:21 pm
Hi, I'm wondering if you're alright.
Miyoshii Report | 06/27/2016 11:24 pm
Hello to you!! biggrin heart
~Black Petals~ Report | 06/26/2016 8:25 pm
~Black Petals~
Hii Peterrr~! :3
Miyoshii Report | 06/14/2016 1:32 am
Just stopping by to say hi to you!! biggrin
Miyoshii Report | 01/17/2016 1:04 am
Nice to see you back! ~ heart
Miyoshii Report | 03/13/2015 2:43 am
Hello ~ How are you? I live in Vancouver, B.C, Canada. I actually went to Russian school when I was younger and played balalaika and danced!! Sometimes, due to lack of males in our group ~ some of us had to danced the boys part. : Now my son plays with the same orchestra, we even had a record produced. My mother is Russian. My dad is German, I used to speak fluent German, not so much now. Your English is wonderful!! Have you been to Vancouver? Here our cherry trees and plum trees are blooming and is very nice weather, sunny not hot, not cold. smells lovely. Have a wonderful weekend. I must go to sleep now. Good night. 3nodding
Elizabeta16 Report | 02/27/2015 4:13 am
gaia_kittenstar yum_cupcake ~ Happy Birthday Peterrrrrrr! ~ yum_cupcake gaia_kittenstar
Exhululath Report | 02/26/2015 4:13 am
Happy Birthday ^-^