My Thoughts and Whims

Hey there, my name is Peach Flavored Youkai, but you can call me Peach. Or if you think of another nickname for me, that works too.
I don't plan to tell you a lot of pertinant information about myself, so all you get to know is that I'm 15 and living overseas.

Like most Gaia users, I like most things Japan-related. I enjoy shoujo manga and anime like Fruits Basket, but I also like a good fantasy adventure. The .hack series are some of my favorites.
I read normal books too, mostly fantasy and fiction. I enjoyed His Dark Materials, Stardust, The Lord of the Rings, and lots of others.
I really like creative writing, and role playing is a favorite passtime of mine. I'm all for a good romance, but I do not cyber. If Gaia says PG-13, then that's the end of it. Feel free to PM me if you ever want to role play. I don't really like series-based role plays but I'll try anything else at least once.

By the way, please excuse my avvi for now. Neko convinced me to do an Alice cosplay on Gaia for Halloween, so I had to sell the clothes I was wearing before to put together a proper costume, and I just haven't gotten around to putting it back to normal. Once I have the money for my old hairstyle, everything else should follow that.