Just Me
Hey! My name is Saundra. I am 17 and live in southeren California and love it here. I am blonde with blue eyes (classic right?).I go to High School, and love it. I guess yo ucould call me a bit of a nerd seeing as I'm in full honors and, I founded a chess club am president of my schools Marching Band, and started a chess club. xd
I abslutly love science and am espicialy interested in psychology. I play the trumpet & love it. One thing I can say is there's never a dull momentin band.
But the thing I love the most is meeting new people. Some people call me a flirt, but that doesn't bother me too much wink
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happy holi
i gtg for now ill chk ur mail smile
exams in april (for honors (college)) and may (the other course m doing )
8 in college and 8 in other
but i have bad sbjects which i hate
yes i have to finish a few chapters today, learn to love your subject
and am also not studying much these days either sad but have atleast started trying now
oh and happy valentines day