
Overslept's avatar

Last Login: 12/13/2017 11:30 am

Registered: 02/19/2008

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Yeah I said it, so?

So many things go through my head and yet so few are worthy of a thread.



Computers know not

the Pain they cause their users

nor the Amazement

All of my donator records have been lost in a terrible fire, though I still appreciate the gifts of everyone predating 1/20/11

Small Sheep: Heart shaped box of sweets
Mythey Maysonia: The Watchmaker, dynamite heel

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Vardoger Report | 06/12/2024 8:26 pm
Sorry for what I did to you way back when. I do not blame you for never talking to me again. You'll probably never see this, but thank you for hanging out with me and being on the phone with me during that time anyway. You helped me through a terrible moment and made a lasting (good) impression. I joined the US Navy after that but unfortunately attempted again 3 years later. I'm on disability now for that mental illness. My life is very boring and lonely and is probably exactly what I deserved for everything (not just how I treated you). Also I transitioned FTM.
I hope your life is going well and it is/was easy for you. You were kind and supportive and I hope that didn't change. If you ever see this, I don't expect response. It would be nice to be friends again, but I can't say my personality has changed much, so it's probably for the best if we don't.

Thanks for everything though, and again I hope your life has gotten better since then and you achieved your goals, whatever they may be.
Catera Report | 05/04/2014 1:44 pm
You're not meant to be on gaia
Fanny Flaps Report | 07/20/2013 2:53 am
Fanny Flaps
"hundo" stare
Fanny Flaps Report | 07/19/2013 12:54 am
Fanny Flaps
Get an invite the Club Verge? Probably not...
"Prommie lists"
Gaia finally got interesting again by making everyone lose their s**t dramallama
Ritzy Report | 07/09/2013 5:38 am
love the av art wow
Fanny Flaps Report | 07/07/2013 1:01 am
Fanny Flaps
Ah, "traumatic life experiences"...I think I had one of those last Sunday. There was a huge fire in my apartment block, right outside my door, flames about four foot high and smoke pouring into my hall. It was an arson attack on my neighbour who wasn't even at home. I made a tit of myself calling 999 for the first time "SEND THE FIRE MACHINES, QUICK!"
So now that I have a Hollywood excuse: you can come round an "nurse" me - by which I mean do the dishes and the hoovering. I have the perfect maid's outfit already picked out, just go to reception and give your name as "b***h".
*sigh* half my students want to go on reality tv or vaguely become "famous" in some manner, the other half are forced there by parents who want them out of the way or to "get fit" (translation: "thin" wink . It's my job to actually get them to be passionate about dance itself. I grumble, that's my nature, but I love my job. Who would've ever thought I'd enjoy being around children? Perhaps I'm just raising an army of minions..."Fly my pretties, flllllyyyyyyy!"

If I had the time I'd make some attempt to fix the GCD but, for the moment, I'm content to let them lie in the bed they've made. It's not my job to entertain them and they're not worth it. I'm no one's dancing monkey....except 6pm-8pm Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays....
Fanny Flaps Report | 07/06/2013 4:09 am
Fanny Flaps
People are idiots and people think they know about mental illness.
My father has bipolar disorder and that's one of the most ridiculously poorly portrayed ones. He doesn't wash for months and spent all their savings on affiliate marketing scams online. In Hollywood he'd be in a titty bar doing blow off a stripper's arse.
People have silly ideas about my job too, they keep asking me who I've worked with and I love to watch their brows furrow when I name sopranos and stage directors. "Yes, but I meant famous people!"... stare
I love teaching my kids but some of the parents drive me insane and one asked me if we taught "movement for pageants" ...urgh.

Gaia's current logo looks like a series of depressed worms grieving over what could have been.
Fanny Flaps Report | 07/06/2013 12:18 am
Fanny Flaps
Sounds like an interesting job, my sister does similar but with children with learning difficulties.
I'm a part-time dance teacher (ballet, tap, jazz, modern) and part-time anything-in-performing-arts. I've been a few West End (UK Broadway) shows as ensemble, the pay is terrible and the hours are long! I need rich parents, I'm really a working class lass...shhhh. This industry has an 80% unemployment rate so I'm lucky really.
Gaia has lost its niche and that's the problem, it was great when forums were all the rage and it pandered to the otaku. At least they seem to have given up on trying to become the next social media 'thing' rofl It might help if this place was at all smartphone-friendly.

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Fanny Flaps Report | 07/06/2013 12:00 am
Fanny Flaps
You working as a nurse or carer? ...babysitter?
The forums are like watching a snail crawl across the edge of a razor, I'm not sure what happened. Let's attribute it to the absence of my wonderful-ness?
I don't really have enough time for Gaia any more while I'm working but this industry is patchy. It's still a good place to waste an hour or two.
You have an iPhone? Whore stare
Fanny Flaps Report | 07/05/2013 11:47 pm
Fanny Flaps
You sticking around?

I quit for around 18 months after that bullshit with the admins but the halo incident lured me back.