It is a pleasure to meet you all here is a little of a description
regarding yours truly.
I am a recent, not so recent mom (actually had my child last year)
I would live for them, I would die for them and I will protect
them with all my might, just like All Might.
I am a mom, so it makes me feel old, especially because
I am indeed a 90's baby, (I will not cry a river)
But I still love the same ol'shiot i did in my younger years,
still love anime, manga the arts and such.
My favorite anime.... that would be a tough one, I
love what I once watched, but I also love the new stuff that
has come out.... But I guess I would lean towards Cowboy Beebop,
that definitely a classic.
Speaking of Classics, I love Classic cars,
I just cant freaking afford one.
Another tid bit. Im into DND, Ive drawn my character and
even painted minis of them, First run I played, my character
was a Khaajit named Dra'Ko (yes i know its not an actual DnD race,
I didnt know about Tabaxi's then) our DM was trying to make us all
eager to play by letting us pick what ever race.
The results one hell of a DnD run, i do plan on making it a comic...
someway somehow some...day.
NOW enough words, I would post art here,
but used to use photobucket,
and we all know how that turned out
so instead follow me on the tweets @nu_lova
I am more active then here
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