me, myself and nothingy
Hey, my Name is Margarita, I love to be called "gosha" >.oI'm 21 years old and my english is getting better due to my new school biggrin
I would love to study Japanese language and something like Mediadesign or Gamedesign...
Feel free to add me =3
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LOL well at least she taught you something fun~ Haha yupp that would be "ser" Haha at least you remember the important stuff! :'D
Woooow!! And see here you can only take Spanish or French O.O Unless you go out on your own and take something else >.>
Yeaaaah pretty much @_@ The accent gets me lol Dx But whateverrrrrr,...ill stick with my español haha
Woow thats such a long time! O: I couldn't imagine that! Haha I can see that I guess though, does sound interesting when native speakers speak German o.o
xDD I totally get exactly what youre saying Dx< Im trying to get those darn articles under control lol its a piece of work...
Yeaah I know! Its crazyyy! But I guess that's what makes her good at being a language teacher *shrugs* o.o Yeaah some people are just really smart
LOL oh no no nooo! I'm American through and through, my parents are American as well,....our roots are Italian and Spanish actually haha I didn't mean to make you misunderstand sorry .3. They just speak/know those languages smile
Wooow! So you've been working on it for a long time! No wonder you're so good at it! ^^ lol
Aaah i seee! Yeaaaah, the way we talk can be weird xD And with our ever changing slang and stuff sometimes I cant even keep up XD But thats good that you're trying and stuff, i bet you're doing great! :3 Oooh yeaah, English is weird, no worries lol but you do super well, I could barely tell you didn't speak English as your first language o__o you make me feel like a fail as a native English speaker XD
Haha weeeellll,...him and my mom arent together any more but my real dad is back with my mom(confusing dont ask lol) and my dad just speaks some Italian and French....and Latin...he's very practical and classical lol >.<
XD Well I was just saying that because Florida is supposed to be the "Sunshine State" and in the summer it is @_@ It gets SO hot,...and humid...sometimes the temperature is well above 100 and the humidity is like you're drinking water (okay an exaggeration but still!) Id be nice to go to Germany,...okay so maybe you're right and it's a touch too cold right now but I bet in the spring its nice no? :'D
Haha I like japanese too! Although I only know bits and pieces here and there, Watashi wa Claire desu~! ^o^ lol buuuut not much -.- Haha well Im glad you think so! :0
Lol dont feel old! I wish I was 22 . 3. Im barely just getting to drive lol much less anything else sooo being 16 isnt so great xD
haha no nooo, I learned a lot and I liked it thank you~! <3
Also, I have found another artstalker for joo, moar info by pm. ^_^
xD Nooo I mean it! Is Germany really different than where you're from? O:
xD "to get drunk"? Lol at least you learned some in school though! Aaah that's cool! I don't have anyone to speak Spanish with >.> All my friends chickened out and took French P sad which I will take eventually too lol ^^; wink
Yeaah, I have Spanish III Honors in school right now @_@ And I take German up at our college,....OMG yesss! The articles totally get me Dx lol but it's getting better-ish,....yeaaah at first it sounded really rude but not so much to me anymore O.o
I started taking German because my mom speaks a lot of German and I want to go to Germany *-* I do like it! My teacher is German and she speaks like 7 languages fluently ;-; But I like it a lot >.<
Yeaaah I bet it's hard o.o I dont know if I could do it lol
Lol yeaaah something like that, that's okaaay though I understand what you're trying to say perfectly smile which is what's important right? haha,...was English hard to learn for you? O:
xD Oooh I seee, yeaaah, my stepdad knows Hangul but he won't teach me Dx<
LOL yeaaah some of the pronunciation really gets me too @_@
I live here in good ol' America lol =.= Florida specifically,.....the wonderful sunshine state...okaay not so much but you get it haha ^^;; It's actually kind of cold and gray outside right now -_-'
Eeeh my town's more like a city I guess but we're not thaaat big, we just have every language here but Korean Dx Russian, Italian., Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese....but no Korean T.T It's okay though, dayy
I'm 16 ^^ And you?
With your skills it would come out amazing I know. *laughs*
PM's forthcoming. ^_^
I sent PM, she responded, sent moar pm...but I have no records anywhar. I'll hit her up again. XD
It's not dirty, it's disorganized! XD
...didja see a 7 of clubs around here? Black back, angels? >.>