Mistress of Melancholy

Nightmayer19's avatar

Last Login: 12/05/2015 1:34 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 03/17

Occupation: Animator

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Underneath it all... I'm Naked!!!


Fall of a Hero

Natasha gawked blankly at her delicate hands. She could not understand what had just occurred, nor would she allow herself to believe it.
Her shuddering figure was frozen with irrevocable terror; she was unable to conceal her absolute fear as her sapphire eyes gleamed in the dull lighting, sodden with salty, bittersweet tears.
“Glenn,” she exhaled, now able to breathe once more.
She forced her golden head to rise.
Her melancholy stare tore through the darkness and absorbed the horrific scene: a body laid limp upon the tile floor, staining the monochromatic finish with his arterial liquid. His hair, matted with burgundy blood, was nearly as gold as hers, and his emerald eyes were fixated in a distant stare and were slowly fogging over as the time crept by.
“Glenn...” Her strength returned, allowing her to sprint toward her fallen husband.
Upon approaching the mangled man, she realized that even her decorated stave, the legendary staff of healing (the ancients had once called it Devouli), could not revive his spirit. She solemnly fell to her knees, tears streaming down her flushed cheeks, and combed her thin fingers through his tousled hair.

My fishes keep dying...

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!

Best. Part. Of. Elf. Well... There's a lot of good parts.


View Journal

Insert Journal Title Here

Well, "Insert Journal Title Here" is pretty much my drawings and my writings. I'm a weirdo and I like to write stories during my spare time; judge me if you must~ Actually, yes! Judge me and let me know what you think of my drawings and stories :)

Love the Art...

Friendly Banter

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rainwater546 Report | 07/21/2012 8:57 pm
Oh thank you! Yours is quite nice as well. smile I like how your items correspond with each other.
SkyeTheUniicorn Report | 05/15/2012 8:39 pm
Thank you for your comment ^^
Finally someone likes my stuff, haha(:
Sora460 Report | 08/11/2010 5:06 pm
how come you're never online anymore? sad
Sora460 Report | 08/10/2010 2:20 pm
This post was removed because it appeared to be spam / chain mail.
Doomed Lucid Report | 03/17/2010 1:11 pm
Doomed Lucid
Colonel_roy_mustangu Report | 01/03/2010 8:34 am
Heya thanks I appreciate the compliment, *he bows with a tad of rose on his cheeks* Its not everyday I receive a compliment for my work. THankyou, and take care.... and Im sorry for your loss of Hughes, I miss him too.
xx 4 E V A MusicLuvr xx Report | 12/04/2009 3:28 am
xx 4 E V A MusicLuvr xx
Thankz a lot for your sweet comment....
Shiro-Jin Report | 12/03/2009 5:06 am
Thankyou! <3

I like it, I think it's cute! n.n
NeglectedLifeline Report | 12/02/2009 7:31 pm
I gots the glasses, i have various squids that go on my head for later, right now it's christmas annoyed hamlet lol, i gotz a cool looking spear and aura~ I think I'm all set avatar wise for a long time lol. I'd make a good character lol.
Shiro-Jin Report | 12/02/2009 5:04 am
The submission was of the first fourteen of my 30-or-40-some characters. n.n It submitted after a long and hard battle with DA, but it's like frikin huge (like, bigger than desktop wallpaper size), so i'll just leave the smallview here... *leaves characters lying around on your profile*

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That's the first of many! =D No wonder my poor hand is dead...

Anyways, I dunno about the avatar arenas... But I can ask around for ya. n.n I haven't submitted anything into any arenas because I don't have the balls to do it yet. xD I've seen some of the comments people leave and i'm afraid of 'em!! D: But i'll ask around and see if anyone else knows. n.n

I could get into roleplaying... Maybe.

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She drawwed me *I'm Glenn* X3