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[ T E N ]
[ S H A R K T E E T H ]
[ S H A R K T E E T H @ T u m b l r ]
[ T o d d A l l i s o n & T h e P e t u n i a V i o l e t ]

E v e n i n g, Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to my profile, that has no real sustinance.

I love webcomics. The above images and links will take you to some pretty awesomesauce ones. You should check them out. Be aware that some of them you must be older than 18 to view. Actually... Most of them. They're also pretty gay, in a good way.

S p e a k i n g of webcomics, I'd very much enjoy making one of my own. If you have tips or would like to collaborate with me (if you're, say, a writer), just a shoot a PM my way and we'll see how well we mesh.

A l s o . I love [literate] roleplaying. If you do too, perhaps you wouldn't mind checking out my thread, Vermilion Valentines. It's been dead recently, but walk-ins are welcome and you can pretty much ignore the first page in it's entirety. You know, just don't be an illiterate noob and all is good.

[V e r m i l i o n - V a l e n t i n e s - B a r - A n d - I n n]

O n e more thing. I do avatar art, and it's not ******** cheap (100K or best offer), or that good. Okay, so it has to be decent to fetch the prices I sell it for. I had an art shop for a while, but it never got much buzz, not compared to the artists who sell for millions on here. So, for now, if you're interested in buying or want to see some examples, just send me a PM and we'll work something out.

T h i s profile is also continually under construction. So yeah, that's it. Have fun, read some comics, listen to my shitty taste in music. All that jazz.


Viewing 12 of 39 friends


Shiro's Journal

Honestly, what do you title a journal?
It's just a bunch of whine-text anyways. I have a journal because I can say what I need to say without having to worry about repercussion, because no one reads it anyways!
And frankly, I don't blame them.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 01/14/2020 12:47 pm


Come back to Gaia! blaugh
The Queen of Sins

Report | 03/18/2014 9:30 am

The Queen of Sins

Happy Birthday Shiro!

Report | 06/20/2013 12:06 pm


fffffffff!!!!! Why are you so non existent all of a sudden? Don't tell me there is some guy that is kidnapping your time wink
The Queen of Sins

Report | 04/17/2013 2:15 pm

The Queen of Sins

Fujiwara of The Wind

Report | 03/18/2013 3:34 am

Fujiwara of The Wind

I hope it's extremely enjoyable!
emotion_bigheart emotion_hug emotion_bigheart
Fujiwara of The Wind

Report | 02/27/2013 9:37 pm

Fujiwara of The Wind

Ah~ But -which- doctor?
Fujiwara of The Wind

Report | 02/27/2013 9:22 pm

Fujiwara of The Wind

Go for it!
And yeah, I feel your pain.
Hopefully you get to see her more this year.
And same on this side xD
Fujiwara of The Wind

Report | 02/27/2013 9:14 pm

Fujiwara of The Wind

Oh. Holy damn.
That's one hell of a change!
I dont know man, that's some crazy stuff.
Sounds like my sister though.
She changed a lot in the past year and I only saw her a handful of times.
When I saw her last I didnt recognize her.
Fujiwara of The Wind

Report | 02/27/2013 8:54 pm

Fujiwara of The Wind

Haha, no worries, no worries, I will find someone!
You're sister's birthday in five minutes!?
Get to drawing mister!
You must draw, draw, draw!
The Queen of Sins

Report | 02/27/2013 8:46 pm

The Queen of Sins

Mate's Mom went ballistic over something stupid...
Still makes comments and talks down about me.
But I don't care.
I live in my own place now.
I don't have a ******** to give.


[b:266675f721]YES, I will draw your avatar. For gold. Or Items. Or both.[/size:266675f721][/b:266675f721]
Help me get [u:266675f721]Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Watch[/u:266675f721]?[/size:266675f721]
Member since 04/19/2005.[/size:266675f721][/align:266675f721]