The existing pulp of blood and flesh that is me
"Ur vinters kyla då draken gled, det mindes man i släkters led
Den dök i jorden, begravd där ner: I stålets sjö, den allt nu ser
Då den dök, slukades av jordens andar. En gåva av stål ur sjön då steg.
Ve draken, ormars orm. Ingen sett maken till gudars storm.
I'm a fellow from scandinavia, Sweden to be precise, who has been hanging around Gaia for the last seven or eight years. I have made a lot of enemies and friends that I still talk to on a regular basis.
I will try to keep it short so people might actually bother to read what I have to say about myself.
I enjoy reading about religion and paranormal phenomena, mythology around the world, occultism and whatever I think is thrilling for the moment.
It all started at the age of eight, and since then I've been almost obsessed with these kind of things. Whatever makes my spine tingle.
I like music a lot, especially metal. But nowadays, I like whatever sounds catchy. Except gangsta rap, which I find asinine.
My favorite movies are either horror movies, fantasy movies or the general Disney movie every now and then.
I like roleplaying a lot, and after many years, many of my characters have caught on and stayed with me. I mostly roleplay over PMs about anything supernatural in general, or fantasy. Anything that could happen in real life is kinda boring to roleplay about, since it feels like holding back.
I enjoy video and computer games as well.
My current hobby and something of an obsession right now is Magic the Gathering. There's just something that I love so much about it that makes me unable to let go of it. The world, the lore, the creatures, the architechture. And the game itself, of course.
Dump me a PM or a RP idea whenever you want, and I hope to hear from people soon.
"En eld över vinterns himmel.
Drakens svans; en bister glöd
Så fallit, bränt, korsat nordens skyar.
Förintelsens vak. Förkolnad mark.
Där den red, den brände fä, den brände träd..."
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I'm in love with your look heart
look at me though im ballin so hard all this gold yeaaaaaa
yea you should get a white one in case they come out >u<;;