dl.otakugen.com/mikuclock.swfName: Michael
interest: find out > smile
Dream Avi

Total Value: 17,336,642 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Dante's Divine Verdict
Fremere's Guard
Crimson Promise
Snowbored Pants Blue
Fremere's Guard 4th Gen.
Pale Marionette
Nautilus Raiment

Total Value: 51,960,180 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Erlking Ears Type White
Faust's Bottle
Zombie Stompin' Boots
Those Black 90s Gloves
Virgil's Sinister Verdict
Custom Cut
Custom Cut
Custom Cut
Custom Cut
Custom Cut
Custom Cut
Custom Cut

Total Value: 7,770,385 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Virgil's Sinister Verdict
Inari's Beads 12th Gen
Spooky Cat Poncho
Anima Adamantea
Devilish Dancer
Mortality Memory
Cornes Demonique
Path of the Orochi

Total Value: 5,518,998 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Anima Adamantea
Dream Town
Virgil's Sinister Verdict
Zodiacal 12th Gen.

Total Value: 2,665,825 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Berserk Conjuror
SDPlus #160 Coustou
Everyone's Reprise
Electric Knight
Event Horizon Guardian
Blue Dark Elf Skirt
Blade's Leggings
Blue Tribal Left Arm Tattoo
Blue Tribal Right Arm Tattoo
Order of Atlantis
Lawful Master
Lawful Master

Total Value: 17,515,399 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
G-Team Ranger Black Bodysuit
Stripey Black Sneakers
Black GBI Agent Pants
The Mad Hatter
Compass of Seidh
Compass of Seidh
Compass of Seidh

Total Value: 2,935,700 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Demonic Detention
Faustine's Bottle
Pink Acinonyx
Erlking Ears Type White
Heartful Punch
Pink Acinonyx
Demonic Detention

Total Value: 2,887,050 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Ascended Demon
Ascended Demon
Tragic Tower
Berserk Conjuror
Checkmate Void
Sad Pig Boy
Silver Sprite
Deranged Surgeon
Event Horizon Guardian
Neutral Starter Hero's Top
avi art:

by Lady Xelles

by IamLostAnge

by Lyaxia of War
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You're in my list tho but offline.
Whats ur skype?
you're not online on my list. :/
Lets talk more there!
how are you?!