Mystic Requiem

Mystic Requiem's avatar

Last Login: 09/01/2021 1:26 pm

Registered: 12/21/2006

Gender: Male

Location: Kentucky

Birthday: 11/12/1993

Occupation: Singer/Student


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Journal of the Mystic

This is just where i feel like talking about myself and any other crap that i feel like putting.


This is all me

Yay for being more simple than a block of text!

First of, I'm 19. My name is Russell.I ask that you call me either Mystic, of if I am in drag then address me as Madame Raine (unless you are Fate, then you may call me Myst)
I hail from the land of hearty and healthy food, an eloquent vocabulary, and great mighty steeds: Kentucky!
I am currently in school to be a high school English teacher. I'm in my sophomore year and loving it!

~ Men (Yep, gay and a bit cliche at that. Read the next bit to see what I mean)
~ Being a guy even though I do find it quite fun to dress like a woman and put on a show. Leading into the next one...
~ DRAG! You might see my avatar in drag on occasion. I have done drag a few times, and consider it to be a very enlightening experience, and one that was full of release. So I look to continue my skills at contouring and make up and hopefully make it more of a hobby or so.
~ Reading just about anything (Novels, informative books [religions, beliefs, that jazz], whatever
~ Music of all kinds but I prefer classical/classical crossover and rockish/popish songs. If it's well written and moving/powerful, I will love it. I have recently come to love the musical genius that is Bjork, so I can add electro-pop!
~ Singing. I wish to be a professional singer someday
~ Musicals and Opera cause they are the s**t
~ Les Miserables. Now THAT is the s**t. heart
~ Writing whatever
~ Gaia
~ Culture, ancient weapons, religions, that kind of stuff
~ Nature and life in general
~ Horror. A psychologically scary movie is HOT! Blood and gore is ok, but if it gets into your mind it wins.
~ My seriously ******** up mind
~ Myself and who I am!

~ Extremely bright, happy colors
~ Violence
~ Gun
~ Discrimination
~ Homophobes
~ Politics/government
~ Rap
~ Spiders
~ That wet crunch that comes from eating a lot of fruits; bugs the hell out of me.

I love random messages! Just don't send a random friend request unless you have spoken to me first for a bit. Do not ask me if I want to be your online-live or cyber partner! I personally do not wish to be in a relationship unless I can see that person face-to-face, in person. Yes, I'm a shallow b*****d!

~Might add more~

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View All Comments

Dampy Toons Report | 01/22/2014 11:07 am
Dampy Toons
Hey there~ How are you~? emotion_awesome
Assassin Murderer Monster Report | 11/28/2013 5:04 pm
Assassin Murderer Monster
Why thank you.
Sifen Yamishi Report | 11/12/2013 9:06 am
Sifen Yamishi
Happy birthday, Madame Raine.
-sets out sacrifice of Absolut Vodka-
Big Bad Desu Report | 09/08/2013 11:39 am
Big Bad Desu
>w< b
Big Bad Desu Report | 09/08/2013 3:40 am
Big Bad Desu
Oh man, I love those spotlight avvies! Ö w Ö Especially Prince Poppycock!
Ia petit mort Report | 08/13/2013 10:48 am
Ia petit mort
The hair is the epicness made into item!
I'm in love with Merida from Brave and these hair is the closest thing I can get here on Gaia. I hope they'll make red (and cheaper) ones in the future >v<
Ia petit mort Report | 08/13/2013 10:01 am
Ia petit mort
Thank you~
It's a hard one for me but I'll eventually get it! By the way, I loved reading your description, you give me the impression of a happy-go-lucky person and it made me smile smile
Ia petit mort Report | 08/13/2013 12:01 am
Ia petit mort
Thank you so much >v<
By the way, your profile background is fantastic!
The Prince Soubi Report | 07/27/2013 7:41 am
The Prince Soubi
    I had to say that your sig picture makes me laugh. XD
Angry blueberry101 Report | 06/16/2013 2:51 pm
Angry blueberry101
thanks for buying gaia_kittenstar


Previously Mystic Requiem

Well Raine is no more. From now on my drag persona is named Regina Nox, the Queen of the Night. :3
Bow to her, unless you want to lose a body part, preferably a heart.



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An epic argument ending quote

"Well your denial of my rejection of your delusional view of my obvious logical distaste towards your ludicrous opinion on the omniscient will that reside in my axes is more preposterous than that song by Rebecca Black about how a child who has barely reached the age of maturity in tribal societies enjoys going out and partying when she shouldn't even know what "partying" is. *bombards with thesauri*" ~ Me