Now then... what can I say about myself?
My name is T.
What do I like, you ask? Let's see.
-The color Green, for it is the color of nature... and money.
-Nice people.
-Video Games
-Going on adventures.
-Collecting figurines
-Seeing new places.
-Solving problems
-Writing stories
-Lotsa Spaghetti.
... and using my trusty computer, to draw and write. No strain on the energy fingers.
Did I mention food already?
What do I NOT like?
-Trolls. Not the mythical kind, the slimy kind that think they can get a cheap laugh at someone's expense. I've seen em. You've seen em. We all know they're... ninja overcompensating
-Intensely bitter things.
-Being forced to go somewhere, like oh, say church. Trust me, I'm as nice as they come and I believe in The Big Guy just as much as the next person, but such a place just isn't for me.
-This whole 'gangsta' fad. No, I don't want to have that 'fresh swagger'. No, I do not desire 'grills'. And no, I do not look at the a**, when I look for what I see in a girl. It's the brains what really matter. (While not necessary, I do consider an ample-sized chest though, to be a nice bonus. ;3 )
-Beggars. Yes, we all want more gold, but honestly it won't do you any good to relentlessly badger someone for it. Never will I deny that I've gotten by with a little help from my friends, bu there are some times when you must strike out on your own and save for your dreams. So. If you ask me for something, expect me to kindly direct you to the nearest Aquarium thread, so you can Booty Grab to your heart's content.
-Random Friend Requests. I am none too fond of these. I would rather get to know you first and foremost, to get a feel of who you are.
-Chain Letter Comments. So much as post one, and I will end you. Nobody cares about how many times you've posted it on another profile and pressed F9. News flash, Einstein. THEY DO NOT WORK.
Hm, that's about it.
By all means, if you have questions, or need any help, I'm all ears. As a Hero, I want to be of service.
Chronicles of the Great T
A brief look into my world, psyche, and other stuff that may come to mind
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