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X_Nakano_X Report | 10/19/2008 10:01 pm




Multimineded's avatar

Birthday: 03/08

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life is to predictable. me and my alter egos (for lack of a better word) miss nothing. we are constantly observing human behavoir. it is so easy to follow. nothing any of you do can trully supprise us.

my others:
Yari - he is the embodyment of all my lust and love. he is a smooth talker and a go getter. He handles all situations handle attractive women.

Joseph - my prime observer, he has an ability to make others around him feel comfotable making it easier to gather personal information. Joe dose have a tendency to to make enemies though but none the less he is the best.

Mark - the fighter. he studies martial arts to improve his skill. He has won 7 fights and lost 7 fights. He uses his skill only to defend us from most violant circumstances. His loyalty knows no bonds despite his I.Q. is 76.

Luke - the avitar on my profile and editor of all my online ... stuff. He has no emotions so he can think more logicly. he can take all the data we have collected put it to use. no more, no less.