Mrs Paint

Mrs Paint's avatar

Last Login: 10/09/2022 9:07 am

Registered: 10/06/2007

Gender: Female

Location: dullsville

Occupation: Student.


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My friends call me Lynn, 22
I play games, I have tattoos, I draw, I sing and I enjoy cleaning. I'm pretty much your dream girl minus the SW4G OB3YING S7YL3.


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onion ring rabbit Report | 05/31/2018 3:53 am
Zombie doubt you will see this but I am back for a little bit. hope you are doing well.
United Legion Report | 01/30/2018 8:07 am
Chu2byou Report | 01/29/2018 10:36 am
You could make it yourself; try to quest for a ticket. For a one pose item, I don't believe it'd be very expensive. But you don't know nowadays!
Chu2byou Report | 01/28/2018 5:28 pm
That's a pretty cute Nurse Joy.
Would heal Pokémon team at/10.
Sector-Kun Report | 09/13/2017 9:04 am
Still awesome description about yourself lol. How ya been? It's been awhile.
Lady Charlotte Elbourne Report | 01/16/2016 5:49 am
Thank you ^^
The Nephilim Rosier Report | 08/18/2015 9:14 pm
Ahh, my Noctus is 22, but I keep bouncing to other kins and was training some for my friends at one point too. Noctus suuuuucks against Sycamorte though, so I've been tryna get Stagony up but he's only 14 :c
The Nephilim Rosier Report | 08/18/2015 9:02 pm
Ahhh ikr?!?! I may resort to levelling my Stagony with Ally potions to get it strong enough to handle the Tree :c They said it during Ask the Staff today though and it's made me sooo upset :C
misha coIIins Report | 04/19/2015 8:56 pm
I suppose you can say that. I got lucky with this version. No one else had it. The person that has the actual version has not been on since 2010.
RainbowManatee Report | 04/03/2015 8:37 pm
Thanks so much in that case ;w; emotion_bigheart



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