
MommiiDearest's avatar

Last Login: 04/09/2014 10:00 am

Registered: 11/06/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 10/08

Occupation: Hostess


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I'm Shaylene!
I've changed my GaiaName a few times in the past six years;
[That I can remember] I have been TalesOfMisery, MiserysStoryBookEnding, MiseryRoseSinClair.
I'm a very random person.
I'm pretty klutzy.
I change my hair often, color and style.
I love books, writing them and reading them!
I sing, shoot photography, bake, knit, RP.
I'm not going to lie, I am pretty much amazing.
But you should find that out for yourself!
Drop me a comment//PM or a friend request!
I'd love it!

Random Facts:
1. I have moved 46 times in the past 21 years.
2. I have an obsession for lipgloss and chaptstick.
3. I have OCD and bipolar

4. I have been with my husband since Feb. 11th, 2009. Married since August 4th, 2012
5. We have a two year old and I am in the first trimester with our second.
6. I'm afraid of Spiders, but not Snakes.

7. I get my feelings hurt easily.
8. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
9. I love Disney movies

10. besides my killer personality, I am painfully average.
11. I like to sit in the car with no place to go and sing like I'm on crack.
12. I have glasses. And an astigmatism in both eyes

13. I'm a self injurer.
14. No, I am not ashamed.
15. I have been in and out of therapy since I was 12.


View Journal

Just a Day in the life of Misery

This is a day by day journal of my life, My thoughts on subjects, and random rants. Basically, anything that pops into my mind while I am typing. And, the occasional short story and poem. Enjoy :3


View All Comments

Master-of-LF2 Report | 10/08/2015 5:36 am
Happy Birthday! 3nodding Hope you have a good one.
Alicorns and Rainbows Report | 03/31/2014 3:49 pm
Thank you~
Azial Report | 03/31/2014 3:35 pm
Oh thanks

Sup3r_Bwahaha Report | 11/25/2013 10:35 am
I'm feeling better after realizing it wouldn't matter if my friend and I were no longer friends because he didn't try talking to me like I did him. He read my messages I sent him, but he hardly ever replied. He mostly went to twitter and tweeted to his friends.
Sup3r_Bwahaha Report | 11/24/2013 2:12 pm
Hello. How are you?
MissHeather080 Report | 10/27/2013 10:10 am
User Image A Kink/Fetish Guild!
The Clumsy Kitty Report | 10/25/2013 5:36 pm

Thanks for the donation
Nykromantyk Report | 10/13/2013 9:56 pm
I sent you the RP idea
Nykromantyk Report | 10/13/2013 9:39 pm
you wanna RP?
Nykromantyk Report | 10/13/2013 9:07 pm
I don't know what you mean my saying that deck building is time consuming, but it usually take me five minutes to build a good MTG deck


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Big. a**. Inventory.
Giving it all away.
Go to my 'Charity Link' for details.

Quote for my attention, Okai?


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