- Aka. Mira or Mirana
- Blood Type: AB; Birthday: Nov. 16
- Country: Canada
- Status: Retired from Avatar Arenas; Hangs out
in GCD Discord Chat; lurks GCD and Avatar Talk
- Enjoys PC games: Skyrim (not the SE), League
of Legends, Elder Scrolls Online, Undertale, etc.
- Favourite Things: Semi-dark Chocolate, cute
things like bunnies, cooking, sewing, knitting
- Least Favourite: rancid food, gruesome horror
films (unless it's done right, IRL political s**t
- Dreams: To be creative in different ways
Born as Miroslava Stellana Chernova in the Rust Town, the poor subtown slums of Dref Dur. The character is supposedly based on the Russian witch "Rada" (actress Svetlana Toma) from the 1975 movie "Tabor Uhodit V Nebo".
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