You're welcome! That's definitely understandable, I find that some of my cosplays tend to be like that especially with the genshin ones, the designs are just too intricate lol
Were you able to get her in genshin as well? surprised
i enter runway a lot and i love cosplays so feel free to add me. also ignore people gatekeeping the forums if they are not mods. ive seen plenty people wearing the outfit they enter in runway the previous day and its not against the rules or anything (those who frown upon it are just a minority who want things to run their way).
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have a great rest of your day cat_4laugh
Were you able to get her in genshin as well? surprised
i enter runway a lot and i love cosplays so feel free to add me. also ignore people gatekeeping the forums if they are not mods. ive seen plenty people wearing the outfit they enter in runway the previous day and its not against the rules or anything (those who frown upon it are just a minority who want things to run their way).