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mgless's avatar

Birthday: 06/15




Jus call me Rissa or M Gless or Wolfy or Tuba

I'm a major fan of Hatsuharu Sohma from Furuba and Gaara and Shikamary from Naruto. I am in love with manga. My favorites include Furuba, Prince of Tennis, Ouran High Host Club, Absolute Boyfriend, Death Note, and manyh others.

I love Anime. If I ever watch TV again in my life it will most likely be to watch either the weather(a duh gotsta know when ur in a Tornado Warning so you can go chase a tornado) and most likely Naruto, Inuyasha, or Bleach.

I love fixing instruments. It's just something I enjoy doing. I show up to band so I can learn something new. Improve on instruments I suck at. Just a head start to make my future easier.

I'm probably one of the quietest people on the planet, but when I talk it is important. I communicate the important things through words on a page, hardly ever verbally.

I'm apparently stubborn. I love hugs, but I normally don't give hugs unless you're important to me.

Yes my hair is naturally curly, I prefer it curly, but now that its too long I have to straighten it or it goes psycho.

I love reading and I love video games. Lots better then the drama I gotta deal with in real life. I like the fantasy life. More interesting and fun.

Band and Writing and Video Games and Reading are the only things I'm good at in life and I am constantly increasing my talent in it. Anything else I can pick up quickly but never am really all that good at it and/or forget it quickly.

God is all that really matters to me. If you hate me, I'm ok with it. God loves and so shall I.


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Captain Treky Report | 07/08/2012 8:20 pm
Captain Treky
Love your background, Vampire Knight is so cool wink
Ilia00 Report | 01/28/2012 8:55 am
Thanks for buying! 3nodding
5Tsunade-sama Report | 11/16/2011 7:40 pm
Thanks for adding me. smile
C Linnea Report | 11/16/2011 12:19 am
C Linnea
Hi there! =]
Just for the Quote Report | 11/15/2011 4:43 pm
Just for the Quote
Thanks for the add man, biggrin
Coromar Report | 11/15/2011 10:24 am
Thanks for adding me as your friend. Take care!
kurarin Report | 11/13/2011 2:11 pm
Thanks for the birthday gift :3
albany newman Report | 11/07/2011 9:36 am
albany newman
np biggrin
illestg0DZ Report | 10/16/2011 5:04 pm
thnx for buying whee
E x h a l e - R e p e a t Report | 01/01/2011 2:47 pm
E x h a l e - R e p e a t
Why hello (:


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