Mattkip is awesome

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Birthday: 03/02

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Herp derp

Hey, babes and bros.
you can call me Matt, Kippy, Kip, etc. Whatever floats your boat. Or if you have a different name, that's cool too. I go by names of a lotta people I cosplay, too.
I'm a really mellow person, and I love to talk. I'm a cosplayer, a smartass, and a C average student.
I'm pretty social, a major creep, and, to be blunt, a bit of an a*****e. I'm not super dicky to strangers (That's just straight up trashy, imo), but if I know you then I'll probably be brutally honest and poke a little bit of fun at ya'. But it's all in the sake of humor...y'know?
I love making other people smile. I'm really easygoing. I'm no pacifist by a long shot, but I like to avoid fighting if it's possible.
I believe that life is too short to live moping. Yeah, it sucks. Everyone has problems. Everyone faces hardships. Just do your best and suffer through it. Make friends, and enjoy yourself. Don't be a downer. Yeah, it sucks. But that doesn't mean you can't have a little fun.
My favorite colors are neon blue, neon green, and red. x]

Con Schedule

Ohayocon 2011

Cosplays; Ritsuka Aoyagi, Alois Trancy

A & G Ohio (I'm going to this one mainly 'cause my little brother is a WoW geek and he has no friends, so I want to take him).
Probably not cosplaying, either. But if I do it'll probably be Izaya Orihara, IF I finish him.

Anime Punch!

Cosplays; Undecided.
Note: AP! is my favorite con <333

Cosplays; Undecided.

I may attend one out of state con. Depends on if I can keep a steady job or not. That con has been decided. Tokyo in Tulsa, 2011.

I'm approachablee

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pork katsu Report | 09/07/2011 9:24 am
pork katsu
hai emotion_yatta
Kaana-Chan Report | 03/11/2011 6:54 pm
So how is you?
Kaana-Chan Report | 03/04/2011 8:00 pm
Lmao XD ahhh newest obsessions!
Kaana-Chan Report | 02/28/2011 6:17 pm
Yeah I'm pretty much 80% girls, 20% guys haha. It's going really well. We don't do much, but it's nice to have her closer than a friend ^_^ it's so hilarious though, we started out, my freshman year, HATING each other! It got worse sophomore year, and at the beginning of this jr year, we've become friends, and now we're dating... XD
Kaana-Chan Report | 02/27/2011 7:51 pm
By the way I got my first girlfriend a while ago :3
Kaana-Chan Report | 02/27/2011 7:50 pm
Yeah it's been WAY too long! I miss talkin to ya. I'm good, how are you? ^_^
lizzyxhinata Report | 02/26/2011 4:46 pm
HEY matty matt its lizzy oh btw your profile is soooo epic biggrin heart heart heart
Kaana-Chan Report | 02/24/2011 5:20 pm
Kaana-Chan Report | 12/23/2010 5:11 pm
Wow that last comment was a while ago. HI HOW IS MATT-KUN? *gives cigs, and chocolate so mello doesn't get angry at you*
you still have that boyfriend?
LucreciaTatsumoto Report | 11/19/2010 5:53 pm
hai matt :3


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