Birthday: 03/23
i'm a female who likes photography. i'm going to write randomly.
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Our feet keep moving forward, our eyes steady on the stars;
falling with the grace of a god, a close end hides our scars.
We cannot think this is it, its not our time just yet,
but at some point our lives will pay off this unforgiven debt.
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I usually make 'em cry then freak. ._.
You should've punched him in the face.
Ffff, I haaate it~
It's truly infuriating, and for some reason my towns isn't working. It'll get to the loading screen, but no matter where I go, it'll give me login errors. -w-
The only awkward thing is he's a senior and I'm a freshmaaaan~
Teehee. =)
I think he's lying.. but if he says so, I won't worry about it. -w- He's really laid back about all this shiznit.
Also, I talked to him Saturday n' he's all laiek, "Ohemgee why don't you answer my calls D:<" n' I shwas all laiek, "Dood, yew were callin' me?"
N' he's laiek, "Ch'yeah! Laiek, 37 times!" n' n' I sayz, "Oh dewd, I had no idea, 'coz laiek. My phone never rang. I thought you hated meeeeee~"
N' he sayz, "Fff, nowai, 'coz that's wut ah shwas thinkin' too!"
and then we hugged. ._.
I really need to call Batterson back. I didn't last night, me, Ryan, and Cheryl were prank calling Abby and Brandi with our awesome *67.
xD It was fuun!