Lieutenant Edwards

Lieutenant Edwards's avatar

Gender: Male

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Dragons are cool. I read a lot, from Rowling to C. S. Lewis and Tolkien. I'm also interested in ancient and Medieval history and mythology. I love fantasy and like Japanese anime. I like video games. I play Magic the Gathering. I like Celtic (pronounced kel-tic, not sell-tic) music.

Unfortunately I am not currently at liberty to divulge my real name, as it may compromise my agents in the field. ninja


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Kyra Holmes Report | 11/09/2018 4:37 am
Kyra Holmes
Thanks for the purchase
Prinsess Yela Report | 02/24/2011 9:17 am
Prinsess Yela
"?" duck? OMG I LOVE YOU! heart heart heart heart heart
Prinsess Yela Report | 11/13/2010 9:41 pm
Prinsess Yela
"cool avi"
Berylis Report | 08/29/2010 6:42 pm
Hey, how's it going? smile
La Cantarella Report | 07/25/2010 10:58 am
La Cantarella
I know this comment is random, but you really got yerself a kickass avatar!
Prinsess Yela Report | 05/26/2010 7:33 pm
Prinsess Yela
If you see a Ninja, it's too late.
Prinsess Yela Report | 05/20/2010 5:41 am
Prinsess Yela
NinjaShade Report | 05/09/2010 4:55 pm

User ImageL.o.G.A.

Hey Lt.
School finished for you yet?

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rninredd Report | 04/24/2010 9:09 pm
Hey there ^^ Yela told me to drop you a line since you love dragons. We were talking about How To Train Your Dragon and told me to give you a little holler wink
NinjaShade Report | 02/15/2010 8:34 am

User ImageL.o.G.A.

Dude! 'Sup Lt.? Yeah I got the sword! Thanks (I've got two now User Image ). Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I kept getting side tracked. Things are good here. Getting all prepped for film school this summer. This are looking up in that department. Inspiration is fired up and ready to rock! I'm hoping to visit your brother sometime before the school year is over. He's only about three hours away from me. I'm gonna try to make it out to Westtown for graduation, but we'll see what the airfare is like. I really want to see you all (plus, believe it or not, I just miss the campus itself). You may forget it sometimes (I know I did) but being at Westtown is a blessing. So yeah, things are good here. Have you seen my ninja video on YouTube yet? It's titled Ninja Pranks and it's under my NinjaShade04 username. Believe it or not we didn't even get the cops called on us wink . Good stuff. Hope you all are well over there and maybe we'll talk again soon, eh? See ya!

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Lieutenant Edwards
Prinsess Yela
